Saturday, September 4, 2021

How to... model two gases flow on Ansys Fluent

Often, in CFD analysis modeling, we deal with more than one gas. Then in Ansys Fluent we follow the path of modeling using Multiphase. This is the right path when we need to define phase transitions. However, if we want to model a simple analysis with two gases that do not interact significantly with each other, then we can use the Species model (figure below).

how to model two gases flow ansys fluent
Species Model in Ansys Fluent 

Monday, August 23, 2021

How to... define calculation activities in Ansys Fluent (data save option)

 An important part of numerical modeling is defining the optimal recording of the output. In Ansys Fluent, the Calculation Acitivities option is used for this. We can define many expanded functions in this option. In this post I will try to present a few of them.

how to define calculation activities in ansys fluent
Calculation Activities in Ansys Fluent 

Monday, August 9, 2021

Free Material Property Database - MatMatch

 For every engineer (constructor or FEA analysis), an important element of work is the definition and selection of materials.For the FEA engineer for the correct and complete definition of the model, for the designer, the selection of appropriate materials that meet the criteria.

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Free Material Database

FreeCad free software for creating parametric 3d models CAD

 It is completely free software for creating 3d models.  It has a parameterization function that greatly reduces the time needed to work on a model or a widely understood structure.

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FreeCad  - open source CAD software 

Free CAE software CALCULIX

  CAE programs based on the finite element method are an important tool for every designer and FEA engineer.  Most of the implementation departments (RnD) of companies producing high-tech devices / machines have CAE-type engineering support software. However, it often happens that due to the price of commercial programs using the finite element method, companies simply cannot afford such tools to increase design efficiency. Therefore, the appropriate alternative are CAE programs of the OPEN SOURCE type, thanks to which companies with less financial potential are able to compete with hegemons in the markets.

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Free software for Structural Analysis 

SALOME MECA open source software for FEA / CAE analysis

 Another very complex program that uses the finite element method is Salome Meca (Code Aster).The Code Aster program has been developed by EDF since 1989.It is quite a little popular software (OPEN SOURCE type) but worth attention. In this post, I will explain the specifics of this type of solution a little more.

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Open Source solver for CFD

CAELINUX operating system for every scientists or engineer

  In today's post, I would like to present you an operating system specially dedicated to engineers and scientists.  

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Free operating system based on Linux for Engineer 

ParaView - open source postporcessing software for data analysis

 In many studies, appearance is the factor that attracts attention. During the face to face presentation, 90% of the speaker's perception is assessed by appearance and gestures (according to the latest research). 

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Free software for postprocessing

Blender - powerful open source software for modelling, rendering and animation

Blender is a powerful open source tool for modeling, animating and simulating 3d objects.It is open source code, therefore it is constantly modified and improved. New plugins and add-ons appear very often.

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Free powerful software for modelling, rendering and animation 

Monday, August 2, 2021

Transient Thermal good way to make quick cfd/thermal calculations

 Some engineers unfamiliar with the most famous CFD programs such as Fluent, CFX or Open Foam may have problems solving technical issues related to heat transfer.

Friday, July 23, 2021

How to... import external geometry to Design Modeler in Ansys Workbench

 It often happens that our geometry generated in Design Modeler requires modification. Our model may be incomplete or we need to replace some elements. In such circumstances, it is worth using the Import External Geometry function.

how to import external geometry in Ansys Workbench
Example of Improted Shaft (green) to Design Modeler 
This function allows us, above all, to replace certain geometric variants with those that are modified or made in a different CAD program. Due to the Design Modeler license we have, we can import various types of files. These can be direct files from an external program such as Solid Works or universal extensions such as parasolid x_t.

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