Showing posts with label RESULTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RESULTS. Show all posts

Monday, January 22, 2024

💥💥💥 How to generate design of experiment (regression) in Ansys Workbench ?

To generate a design of experiment (regression) in Ansys Workbench, you can follow these steps3:

  • Create a parameter set with the input parameters that you want to vary. You can use expressions, variables, or constants to define the parameters.
  • In the toolbox, expand Design Exploration and drag Response Surface Optimization to the project schematic. Drop it under the parameter set and connect them.
  • Double-click Design of Experiments to open the setup window. Choose Regression as the DOE type and specify the number of design points, the sampling method, and the random seed.
  • Click Update to generate the design points and run the simulations for each point. You can view the results in the table or the chart.
  • To create a regression equation for the output response, go to the Response Surface tab and click Add. Choose the output parameter that you want to model and select the type of regression model. You can also adjust the model settings and the validation method.
  • Click Update to fit the model and evaluate its accuracy. You can view the model equation, the coefficients, the R-squared value, and the residual plots.

What are the types of DOE in Ansys Workbench ?

There are several types of DOE (Design of Experiment) methods available in Ansys Workbench, such as1:

  • Regression: This method uses a mathematical model to fit the data and estimate the coefficients of the input parameters. It can be linear, quadratic, or cubic.
  • Optimal Space Filling: This method maximizes the distance between the design points to cover the design space as uniformly as possible. It can use different sampling methods, such as Latin Hypercube, Halton, or Sobol.
  • Central Composite Design: This method is a type of response surface methodology that uses a factorial design with center points and axial points. It can be used to fit a quadratic model and estimate the curvature effects.
  • Box-Behnken Design: This method is another type of response surface methodology that uses a three-level design with no corner points. It can also be used to fit a quadratic model and estimate the curvature effects.
  • Full Factorial Design: This method uses all possible combinations of the input parameters at each level. It can be used to fit a linear model and estimate the main effects and interactions.
  • Fractional Factorial Design: This method uses a subset of the full factorial design to reduce the number of design points. It can also be used to fit a linear model and estimate the main effects and interactions, but with some confounding.

You can choose the type of DOE that suits your objectives and parameters. For more information, you can check out this video or this article

How do I choose the best DOE method for my simulation?

Choosing the best DOE (Design of Experiment) method for your simulation depends on several factors, such as1:

  • The number and type of input parameters that you want to vary
  • The number and type of output responses that you want to measure
  • The objective and scope of your study (e.g., screening, optimization, sensitivity analysis, etc.)
  • The resources and constraints that you have (e.g., time, budget, computational power, etc.)

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for DOE, but some general guidelines are1:

  • If you have a large number of input parameters and you want to identify the most important ones, you can use a screening design, such as a Plackett-Burman design or a fractional factorial design.
  • If you have a moderate number of input parameters and you want to fit a quadratic model and estimate the curvature effects, you can use a response surface design, such as a central composite design or a Box-Behnken design.
  • If you have a small number of input parameters and you want to find the optimal settings for the output responses, you can use an optimization design, such as a simplex design or a mixture design.
  • If you have a complex or nonlinear relationship between the input parameters and the output responses, you can use a space-filling design, such as a Latin hypercube design or a Sobol design.

You can also use a combination of different designs to achieve your goals, such as a two-stage design or a sequential design1

How do I measure the quality of a DOE method?

There are different ways to measure the quality of a DOE (Design of Experiment) method, depending on the type and purpose of the experiment. Some common criteria are1:

  • Power: The probability of detecting a significant effect when it exists. Power depends on the sample size, the effect size, the significance level, and the design structure. A higher power means a lower chance of making a type II error (failing to reject a false null hypothesis).
  • Efficiency: The ratio of the variance of an estimator based on a given design to the variance of an estimator based on an optimal design. A higher efficiency means a lower variance and a more precise estimate.
  • Orthogonality: The property of a design that ensures that the effects of any factor or interaction are independent of the effects of any other factor or interaction. An orthogonal design allows for the estimation of all effects without confounding or aliasing.
  • Resolution: The degree to which a fractional factorial design can separate the main effects and interactions. A higher resolution means less confounding and more information. Resolution is denoted by a Roman numeral, such as Resolution III, IV, or V.

You can use Minitab Statistical Software to evaluate the quality of your DOE method based on these criteria. For example, you can use the Power and Sample Size tool to calculate the power of your design, or the Evaluate Design tool to compare the efficiency and orthogonality of different designs2. You can also check the resolution of your design in the design summary table3.

Can you show me how to use Minitab for DOE analysis?

Sure, I can show you some basic steps on how to use Minitab for DOE (Design of Experiment) analysis. 

  • First, you need to create a DOE design in Minitab. You can use the Assistant menu to guide you through the process of choosing and creating a suitable design for your experiment. You can also use the Stat menu to access more advanced design options.
  • Next, you need to run your experiment and collect the data. You can enter the data in the worksheet or import it from a file. Make sure that the data columns match the design columns in the worksheet.
  • Then, you need to analyze the data and fit a model. You can use the Assistant menu to perform a simple analysis that includes graphs, tables, and reports. You can also use the Stat menu to perform a more detailed analysis that includes diagnostics, tests, and plots.
  • Finally, you need to optimize the response and find the best factor settings. You can use the Assistant menu to generate a contour plot or a surface plot that shows the relationship between the factors and the response. You can also use the Stat menu to access more optimization tools, such as desirability functions, prediction intervals, and confidence intervals.

For more information and examples, you can check out these web pages: DOE Analysis - Minitab Engage, Design of Experiments (DOE) - Minitab, and Analyze a DOE with the Assistant in Minitab.

Is Minitab completely free?

Minitab is not completely free, but it offers a free trial for its potential customers. The Minitab free trial comes with all the features of Minitab Statistical Software and has no limitations except for the 30-day time limit1. You can download the software directly from their website and sign up for an account to access the full range of features available during the trial period2.

After the trial period expires, you will need to purchase a license to continue using Minitab. Minitab offers different pricing plans for individuals, students, educators, and businesses. You can check out their pricing page for more details.

Minitab is a powerful and user-friendly statistical software that can help you with data analysis, visualization, and optimization. It is widely used by businesses and organizations for quality improvement, Six Sigma, and Lean projects. If you are interested in learning more about Minitab and its features, you can check out this video2 or this article3.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

💥💥💥 How to adjust the curve - validations methods

Curve adjustment is the process of modifying a model's parameters to improve its fit to the data. Validation is the process of evaluating a model's performance on a separate set of data that was not used for training. Validation methods are the techniques used to split the data into training and validation sets, and to measure the model's accuracy, precision, recall, etc.

One common validation method is the **validation curve**, which plots the training and validation scores for different values of a single hyperparameter. This can help you find the optimal value of the hyperparameter that minimizes the bias and variance of the model. You can use the `validation_curve` function from the `sklearn.model_selection` module to generate validation curves for different estimators¹².

Another validation method is the **learning curve**, which plots the training and validation scores for different sizes of the training set. This can help you determine if the model benefits from more training data, or if it suffers from overfitting or underfitting. You can use the `learning_curve` function from the `sklearn.model_selection` module to generate learning curves for different estimators¹.

There are other validation methods, such as cross-validation, bootstrap, hold-out, etc., that you can use depending on your data and model. You can find more information about them in the [User Guide](^1^) and the [Model Validation and Testing: A Step-by-Step Guide](^3^).


(1) 3.4. Validation curves: plotting scores to evaluate models.

(2) sklearn.model_selection.validation_curve - scikit-learn.

(3) 3.4. Validation curves: plotting scores to evaluate models.

(4) Model Validation and Testing: A Step-by-Step Guide | Built In.

(5) Validation Curve - GeeksforGeeks.

(6) Validation – Adjustment of NIR Calibrations | PerkinElmer Blog.

**Cross-validation** is a method that divides your data into **k** equal and non-overlapping subsets, called **folds**. Then, it trains your model on **k-1** folds, and tests it on the remaining fold. This process is repeated **k** times, so that each fold is used as the test set once. The average of the test scores across the **k** folds is the final performance measure of your model¹.

**Bootstrap** is a method that samples your data **with replacement**, meaning that the same data point can be selected more than once. It creates **B** new datasets, each with the same size as the original dataset, but with some data points repeated and some omitted. Then, it trains your model on each bootstrap dataset, and tests it on the original dataset. The average of the test scores across the **B** bootstrap datasets is the final performance measure of your model².

**Hold-out** is a method that splits your data into two parts: a **training set** and a **validation set**. The training set is used to fit your model, and the validation set is used to evaluate its performance. The size of the validation set is usually a fixed proportion of the original dataset, such as 20% or 30%. The performance measure of your model is the test score on the validation set³.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on the size and characteristics of your data, and the complexity and variability of your model. You can find more information about them in the following links:

- [What is the difference between bootstrapping and cross-validation?](^1^)

- [4 Cross Validation Methods | Introduction to Applied Machine Learning](^2^)

- [Hold-out vs. Cross-validation in Machine Learning](^5^)


(1) What is the difference between bootstrapping and cross-validation?.

(2) 4 Cross Validation Methods | Introduction to Applied Machine Learning.

(3) Are K-Fold Cross Validation , Bootstrap ,Out of Bag fundamentally same?.

(4) What is the difference between bootstrapping and cross-validation?.

(5) 4 Cross Validation Methods | Introduction to Applied Machine Learning.

(6) Hold-out vs. Cross-validation in Machine Learning - Medium.

(7) Bootstrapping vs Cross-Validation - Doc Zamora's ML & AI.


How do I choose the best validation method for my model?

Choosing the best validation method for your model depends on several factors, such as the size and characteristics of your data, the complexity and variability of your model, and the trade-off between bias and variance. 😊

There is no definitive answer to this question, as different validation methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, some general guidelines are:

- If your data is large and representative, you can use a simple **hold-out** method, where you split your data into a training set and a validation set, and use the validation set to evaluate your model's performance⁴.

- If your data is small or imbalanced, you can use a **cross-validation** method, where you divide your data into k folds, and use each fold as a validation set once, while using the rest as a training set. This way, you can use all your data for both training and validation, and reduce the variance of your model's performance¹.

- If your data is noisy or has high variance, you can use a **bootstrap** method, where you sample your data with replacement, and create new datasets that have the same size as the original dataset. Then, you can train and test your model on each bootstrap dataset, and average the performance across them. This way, you can reduce the bias of your model's performance².

You can also combine different validation methods, such as using cross-validation with hold-out, or bootstrap with cross-validation, to get more robust estimates of your model's performance.

To learn more about these validation methods, you can check out these links:

- [Model Validation and Testing: A Step-by-Step Guide](^1^)

- [The Ultimate Guide to Evaluation and Selection of Models in ML](^2^)

- [choosing model based on last or best iteration on validation set](^3^)

- [How To Choose The Right Test Options When Evaluating Machine Learning Algorithms](^4^)


(1) How To Choose The Right Test Options When Evaluating Machine Learning ....

(2) Model Validation and Testing: A Step-by-Step Guide | Built In.

(3) The Ultimate Guide to Evaluation and Selection of Models in ML -

(4) Model Validation and Testing: A Step-by-Step Guide | Built In.

(5) The Ultimate Guide to Evaluation and Selection of Models in ML -

(6) choosing model based on last or best iteration on validation set.

(7) How To Choose The Right Test Options When Evaluating Machine Learning ....

How do I measure the performance of my model?

There are different ways to measure the performance of your model, depending on the type of problem you are solving and the metrics you are interested in. 😊

For example, if you are solving a **classification** problem, where you want to predict discrete labels for your data, you can use metrics such as **accuracy**, **precision**, **recall**, and **F1 score**. These metrics evaluate how well your model can correctly identify the true classes of your data, and avoid false positives and false negatives. You can also use plots such as **ROC curve** and **confusion matrix** to visualize the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity, and the distribution of errors across classes¹².

If you are solving a **regression** problem, where you want to predict continuous values for your data, you can use metrics such as **mean absolute error (MAE)**, **root mean square error (RMSE)**, **R-squared**, and **adjusted R-squared**. These metrics evaluate how close your model's predictions are to the true values of your data, and how well your model can explain the variance of your data. You can also use plots such as **residual plot** and **scatter plot** to visualize the error distribution and the correlation between your predictions and true values³⁴.

To learn more about these metrics and plots, and how to implement them in Python, you can check out these links:

- [Evaluate the Performance of Deep Learning Models in Keras](^1^)

- [6 Methods to Measure Performance of a Classification Model](^2^)

- [4 Best Metrics for Evaluating Regression Model Performance](^3^)

- [Predictive Performance Models Evaluation Metrics](^5^)


(1) Evaluate the Performance of Deep Learning Models in Keras.

(2) 6 Methods to Measure Performance of a Classification Model.

(3) Evaluate Models Using Metrics | Machine Learning - Google Developers.

(4) 4 Best Metrics for Evaluating Regression Model Performance.

(5) Evaluate the Performance of Deep Learning Models in Keras.

(6) 6 Methods to Measure Performance of a Classification Model.

(7) Evaluate Models Using Metrics | Machine Learning - Google Developers.

(8) Predictive Performance Models Evaluation Metrics - InData Labs.


What is the difference between accuracy and precision?

Accuracy and precision are both forms of measurement that define how close you are to hitting a target or achieving a goal. Accuracy evaluates how close you are to the true value of the measurement, while precision shows how close the measured values are to one another¹.

For example, if you are shooting arrows at a bullseye, accuracy is how close your arrows are to the center of the target, and precision is how close your arrows are to each other. You can have high accuracy and low precision, low accuracy and high precision, or both high accuracy and high precision².

In math, science, and engineering, accuracy and precision are used to describe the quality and reliability of measurements. Accuracy reflects how close a measurement is to the actual or accepted value, while precision reflects how consistent or reproducible the measurements are. A measurement system can be accurate but not precise, precise but not accurate, or both accurate and precise³.


(1) What Is the Difference Between Accuracy and Precision? - ThoughtCo.

(2) Accuracy and precision - Wikipedia.

(3) What's the difference between accuracy and precision? - Asana.

(4) What Is the Difference Between Accuracy and Precision? - ThoughtCo.

(5) Accuracy and precision - Wikipedia.

(6) What's the difference between accuracy and precision? - Asana.

How do I calculate accuracy and precision for my model?

Accuracy and precision are two metrics that can be used to evaluate the performance of a classification model. Accuracy is the ratio of the number of correct predictions to the total number of predictions, while precision is the ratio of the number of true positives to the total number of positive predictions¹.

To calculate accuracy and precision for your model, you need to have the true labels and the predicted labels of your data. You can use the `sklearn.metrics` module in Python to compute these metrics easily. For example, you can use the following code:


from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score

# y_true is the list of true labels

# y_pred is the list of predicted labels

accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred)

precision = precision_score(y_true, y_pred)

print("Accuracy:", accuracy)

print("Precision:", precision)


You can also use other metrics, such as recall, F1-score, ROC AUC, etc., depending on your problem and goals. You can find more information about these metrics and how to calculate them in the following links:

- [How to Calculate Precision, Recall, F1, and More for Deep Learning Models](^1^)

- [How to Calculate Precision, Recall, and F-Measure for Imbalanced Classification](^2^)

- [Model accuracy: how to determine it? - Data Science Stack Exchange](^4^)


(1) How to Calculate Precision, Recall, F1, and More for Deep Learning Models.

(2) How to Calculate Precision, Recall, F1, and More for Deep Learning Models.

(3) How to Calculate Precision, Recall, and F-Measure for Imbalanced ....

(4) Model accuracy: how to determine it? - Data Science Stack Exchange.

(5) How to Calculate Accuracy and Precision: A Comprehensive Guide.

(6) How Compute Accuracy For Object Detection works - Esri.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

💥💥💥 How to communicate Ansys Fluent with Siemens Simit (possible ways) ?

 To communicate Ansys Fluent with Siemens Simit, you may need to use the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard, which is a tool-independent standard for the exchange and co-simulation of dynamic models. FMI defines a common interface for model exchange and co-simulation, which allows different simulation tools to communicate and exchange information during the simulation process1.

One possible way to use FMI is to create a sub circuit using compatible elements in Twin Builder, and then compile a twin model out of the sub circuit. After that, you can select the twin model and export it as a twin for deployment2. You can also use the command /plot/file-set/plot-to-file [filename] to export the data used in the plots into a specified file3. However, Fluent only supports co-simulation FMU, which means that it cannot export FMU files by itself4. You may need to use another tool that supports FMI model exchange to create FMU files from Fluent data.

You can find more information and guidance on how to use FMI and FMU files in the following web search results:

Can I import output results file, for example CSV file from Ansys Fluent to Simit, without using Twin Buidler?

It seems that you want to import output results file, for example CSV file from Ansys Fluent to Simit, without using Twin Builder. According to the web search results, there are some possible ways to do that by using the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard, which is a tool-independent standard for the exchange and co-simulation of dynamic models. FMI defines a common interface for model exchange and co-simulation, which allows different simulation tools to communicate and exchange information during the simulation process1.

One possible way to use FMI is to export the data used in the plots into a specified file by using the command /plot/file-set/plot-to-file [filename]2. Then, you can use another tool that supports FMI model exchange to create FMU files from Fluent data. For example, you can use Simulink, which is a graphical environment for modeling, simulation and analysis of multi-domain systems. Simulink can import and export FMU files and perform co-simulation with other FMI-compatible tools3.

Another possible way to use FMI is to write the result of Fluent into a generic ASCII file which you can then read elsewhere4. Then, you can use a tool that can convert the ASCII file into an FMU file, such as FMPy, which is a Python library to simulate FMU files5.

You can find more information and guidance on how to use FMI and FMU files in the following web search results:

Can I use Fluent with other simulation tools that support FMI?

Yes, you can use Fluent with other simulation tools that support FMI. FMI is a tool-independent standard for the exchange and co-simulation of dynamic models. FMI defines a common interface for model exchange and co-simulation, which allows different simulation tools to communicate and exchange information during the simulation process1.

Some of the simulation tools that support FMI are:

  • Simulink: Simulink is a graphical environment for modeling, simulation and analysis of multi-domain systems. Simulink can import and export FMU files and perform co-simulation with other FMI-compatible tools.
  • PSIM: PSIM is a simulation software for power electronics, motor drives, and power systems. PSIM can generate FMU models and perform co-simulation with other FMI-supporting software.
  • Wolfram System Modeler: Wolfram System Modeler is a Modelica-based modeling and simulation tool that supports FMI for model exchange and co-simulation. System Modeler can import and export FMU files and also integrate with other Wolfram products.

You can find more information and guidance on how to use FMI and FMU files in the following web search results:

What is the difference between FMI and FMU?

The difference between FMI and FMU is that FMI is a standard for the exchange and co-simulation of dynamic models, while FMU is a file that contains a simulation model that adheres to the FMI standard1. FMI defines a common interface for model exchange and co-simulation, which allows different simulation tools to communicate and exchange information during the simulation process. FMU is a file that consists of an XML description file and implementation in a binary form2. FMU can be imported or exported by different simulation tools that support the FMI standard. FMI and FMU are part of the same FMU standard for the purpose of system integration, which simplifies the interaction between the simulation environment and the systems models in different domains3. FMU represents the simulation model, while FMI provides a standardized communication interface between the models.

Is there possibility to create FMU file in Ansys Fluent ?

According to the web search results, it seems that there are some modules in Ansys Workbench that can create FMU files. FMU files are files that contain a simulation model that adheres to the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard, which is a tool-independent standard for the exchange and co-simulation of dynamic models1.

Some of the modules that can create FMU files are:

You can find more information and guidance on how to use FMI and FMU files in the following web search results:

How do I create an FMU file from Ansys Mechanical data?

To create an FMU file from Ansys Mechanical data, you need to use the FMI Export feature in Ansys Mechanical. FMU files are files that contain a simulation model that follows the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard, which is a tool-independent standard for the exchange and co-simulation of dynamic models1.

The FMI Export feature allows you to export your Mechanical model as an FMU file for co-simulation with other FMI-compatible tools. You can access the FMI Export feature by right-clicking on the Solution branch in the Mechanical outline and selecting FMI Export2. You can then specify the name and location of the FMU file, the FMI version, the co-simulation type, and the input and output variables. You can also select the option to include the results file in the FMU file, which will allow you to initialize the FMU with the results from the Mechanical solution3.

After you export the FMU file, you can import it into another tool that supports FMI co-simulation, such as Ansys Twin Builder, Simulink, or Open Modelica. You can then perform co-simulation between the Mechanical model and the other model, and exchange data and parameters between them. You can find more information and guidance on how to use FMI and FMU files in the following web search results:

Can I create FMU file in Ansys CFX ?

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

💥💥💥 What is Simit (simulation platform) from Siemens ?

 Simit is a simulation platform developed by Siemens that enables comprehensive tests of automation applications and offers realistic training environments for operators before real systems go into operation1. Simit can be used for different industries, such as chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive, and energy2. Simit can help reduce commissioning time, shorten time-to-market, optimize processes, and retain know-how12. Simit is also compatible with other Siemens products, such as SIMATIC PCS 7, SIMATIC WinCC, and TIA Portal1. Simit is described as the “holy grail” of simulation platforms by some experts3.

What are some features of Simit?

Can I use Simit for free ?

According to the web search results, Simit is not a free software. You need to purchase a license for your needs on the following page: New licensing model for Simit. However, you can use a 14-day trial license after installation and first opening of the software1. This means you have 14 days to test the software at your leisure. If you like it, you can buy a license from the Siemens Industry Mall2

Can I connect Simit with Ansys ?

There is a possibility to connect Simit with Ansys. Ansys is a software suite that offers engineering simulation solutions for various fields, such as structural, fluid, thermal, and electromagnetic analysis1. Simit is a simulation platform that enables comprehensive tests of automation applications and offers realistic training environments for operators before real systems go into operation2. Simit can be used for different industries, such as chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive, and energy3.

One way to connect Simit with Ansys is to use the SIMIT Component Type Editor, which allows users to create custom component types and integrate them into the Simit simulation framework4. The Component Type Editor supports different engineering methods, such as logic matrix, SFC calculations, and selective download3. The Component Type Editor also enables users to import and export component types in XML format4.

Another way to connect Simit with Ansys is to use the SIMIT Simulation Framework, which allows users to connect I/O signals with Simit simulation models5. The SIMIT Simulation Framework can be used to create and run simulation scenarios, as well as to monitor and control the simulation process6. The SIMIT Simulation Framework also supports different communication protocols, such as OPC UA, OPC DA, and TCP/IP6.

Can I export my simulation from Ansys Fluent to Simit?

According to the web search results, there is no direct way to export a simulation from Ansys Fluent to Simit. Ansys Fluent is a software that offers computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solutions for various applications, such as aerodynamics, combustion, heat transfer, and multiphase flow1. Simit is a simulation platform that enables comprehensive tests of automation applications and offers realistic training environments for operators before real systems go into operation2. Simit can be used for different industries, such as chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive, and energy3.

However, there are some possible ways to export data from Ansys Fluent and import it into Simit. One way is to use the execute commands feature in Ansys Fluent, which allows users to run text user interface (TUI) commands at specified intervals during a simulation4. The TUI commands can be used to display and save plots, contours, vectors, pathlines, etc. in various formats, such as ASCII, CSV, or JPEG4. These files can then be imported into Simit using the component type editor, which allows users to create custom component types and integrate them into the Simit simulation framework5. The component type editor supports different engineering methods, such as logic matrix, SFC calculations, and selective download3. The component type editor also enables users to import and export component types in XML format5.

Another way is to use the solution animation feature in Ansys Fluent, which allows users to create and save animations of the simulation results in various formats, such as AVI, MPEG, or WMV. These files can then be imported into Simit using the simulation framework, which allows users to connect I/O signals with Simit simulation models. The simulation framework can be used to create and run simulation scenarios, as well as to monitor and control the simulation process. The simulation framework also supports different communication protocols, such as OPC UA, OPC DA, and TCP/IP.

How do I connect Simit with Ansys Fluent?

To connect Simit with Ansys Fluent, you need to use the Simit Component Type Editor and the Simit Simulation Framework. These are tools that allow you to create custom component types and integrate them into the Simit simulation framework, as well as to connect I/O signals with Simit simulation models1. You can also use the execute commands feature and the solution animation feature in Ansys Fluent to export data and animations from your CFD simulations and import them into Simit2.

Here are the steps to connect Simit with Ansys Fluent:

What are alternatives for Simit ?

Some of the alternatives for Simit simulation platform are:

What are benefits of using Simit with Ansys Fluent  ?

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