Showing posts with label VIDEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VIDEO. Show all posts

Monday, April 8, 2024

💥💥💥 Don't Block the Party: How a Marble Can Ruin Your Gas Station Trip

 Imagine you're pouring yourself a giant soda. Nice and fizzy, right? Now picture sticking a marble in the straw. Chaos! Here's what might happen to the gas pump in a similar situation:

1. **The Block Party:** The ball would get lodged in the nozzle, throwing a wrench (or should we say, a marble?) into the gas flow. The party's over for the smooth stream of gasoline.

2. **Fizzing Fury:**  Depending on the size of the marble and the gas pressure, things could get fizzy. The trapped gas might sputter out in spurts and stops, making refueling a frustrating tap dance.

3. **The Auto Shutoff Brigade:** Most gas pumps have shutoff mechanisms that kick in if the flow gets weird.  The little gremlins inside might think a rogue marble is a full tank and shut things down entirely.

4. **The Hissing Suspect:**  Even if the flow keeps going, the blockage from the marble could create a pressure change.  This might lead to some dramatic hissing, like the gas pump is whispering secrets about your questionable car maintenance habits. 

So, the short story is, don't put a marble in the gas nozzle. It's a recipe for frustration, fizzy messes, and possibly a grumpy gas station attendant. Just stick to pouring that delicious gasoline... into your car, of course. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

💥💥💥 What are mesh quality and mesh errors in Ansys Fluent ?

 Mesh quality and mesh errors in Ansys Fluent are related to how well the mesh represents the geometry and the physics of the problem. A good mesh should have the following characteristics:

  • It should conform to the shape of the domain and capture the important features of the geometry.
  • It should have a smooth distribution of nodes and elements, without sudden changes in size or shape.
  • It should have a low skewness and aspect ratio, which measure how far the elements deviate from an ideal shape (such as a square or an equilateral triangle).
  • It should have enough resolution in regions where the flow is complex, such as boundary layers, shear layers, shock waves, etc.
  • It should be compatible with the solver settings and the turbulence model used.

Mesh errors can occur when the mesh does not meet these criteria, and they can affect the accuracy and stability of the numerical solution. Some common mesh errors are:

To check and improve the mesh quality in Ansys Fluent, there are several tools and methods available, such as:

How to check mesh errors and mesh quality in Ansys Fluent ?

There are several ways to check mesh errors and mesh quality in Ansys Fluent. Here are some of the resources that might help you:

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

💥💥💥 #12steps Ansys Fluent Tutorial Rotating Fan in Steady State 🧐🧐🧐

 Below You can find two parts of tutorial  - how to model rotating fan in Ansys Fluent. The first episode is in Steady State  - frame motion model. 

Friday, September 1, 2023

💥 #12steps tutorial Ansys Design Modeler How to create plane, patterns and substract volumes 🧐

 A plane in ANSYS Design Modeler is a flat surface that can be used to create sketches or other geometry features. There are different ways to create a plane in ANSYS Design Modeler, depending on the reference geometry and the orientation of the plane.

Some of the methods to create a plane are:

  • From Plane: This method creates a new plane by offsetting or rotating an existing plane. You can specify the distance and angle of the transformation, or use the drag handles to adjust the position and orientation of the new plane.
  • From Face: This method creates a new plane that is parallel to an existing face of a solid or surface body. You can specify the offset distance from the face, or use the drag handle to move the new plane.
  • From Centroid: This method creates a new plane that passes through the centroid of a selected body, edge, or vertex. You can specify the normal direction of the plane, or use the drag handles to rotate the plane.
  • From Circle/Ellipse: This method creates a new plane that is tangent to a selected circle or ellipse. You can specify the offset distance from the circle or ellipse, or use the drag handle to move the new plane.
  • From Point and Edge: This method creates a new plane that passes through a selected point and is parallel to a selected edge. You can use the drag handles to rotate or move the new plane.
  • From Point and Normal: This method creates a new plane that passes through a selected point and has a specified normal direction. You can enter the normal vector components, or use the drag handles to rotate the plane.
  • From Three Points: This method creates a new plane that passes through three selected points. The points can be vertices, sketch points, or points on edges or faces.
  • From Coordinates: This method creates a new plane that has a specified origin and normal direction. You can enter the coordinates of the origin and the normal vector components, or use the drag handles to adjust the position and orientation of the new plane.

To create a plane using any of these methods, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open ANSYS Design Modeler and create or import your geometry.
  2. In the Tree Outline, right-click on XYPlane, YZPlane, or ZXPlane and select Insert > Plane.
  3. In the Details View, select the method you want to use from the Type drop-down list.
  4. Select the reference geometry (plane, face, edge, vertex, point, circle, ellipse) as required by the method.
  5. Specify the parameters (distance, angle, normal vector) as required by the method, or use the drag handles to adjust the position and orientation of the new plane.
  6. Click Generate to create the new plane.

You can also watch some video tutorials on how to create planes in ANSYS Design Modeler:

I hope this helps you understand how to create planes in ANSYS Design Modeler. 😊

💥💥💥 Strength analysis of rotating FAN Ansys Static Structural Tutorial 🧐

Strength analysis is a type of finite element analysis that is used to determine the stress and strain of a structure or a component under various loads and boundary conditions. ANSYS is a software that provides a comprehensive suite of tools for performing strength analysis and other types of engineering simulations.

If you want to learn more about strength analysis in ANSYS, you can check out some of these resources:

  • [A tutorial on how to perform strength analysis of a beam in ANSYS]
  • [A video on how to perform strength analysis of a plate in ANSYS]
  • [A course on strength analysis using ANSYS]

I hope this helps. 😊

: Finite Element Analysis - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics : ANSYS - Wikipedia : Strength Analysis of Beam in ANSYS - Tutorial for Beginners - YouTube : Strength Analysis of Plate in ANSYS - Tutorial for Beginners - YouTube : Strength Analysis using ANSYS | Udemy

💥 #12steps tutorial Ansys Design Modeler How to draw a fan 🧐


Design modeler ansys is a software tool for *geometric modeling* that allows you to create and modify your models in preparation for your analysis in ansys workbench. Ansys workbench is a platform for *computational fluid dynamics (CFD)* and *finite element analysis (FEA)* that can simulate various phenomena involving fluid flow, heat transfer, and chemical reactions. Design modeler ansys is intended for both CFD and FEA users. ¹² #computerscience #engineer #engineering #scienceandtechnology #ansys #fea #cae #simulation #mechanicalengineering #creativity #projects #consultants #industrialengineering #productdesign #productdevelopment #industrialdesign #automotive With design modeler ansys, you can: - Import and export models from various CAD formats, such as SolidWorks, Catia, UG, etc. ¹³ - Create and edit parametric models using sketching, extrusion, revolution, sweep, loft, blend, etc. ¹⁴ - Apply Boolean operations, such as unite, subtract, intersect, etc., to combine or separate models. ¹⁴ - Modify models by adding or removing features, such as holes, fillets, chamfers, etc. ¹⁴ - Create and modify coordinate systems and planes to define the orientation and position of models. ¹⁴ - Define dimensions and constraints to control the size and shape of models. ¹⁴ - Create named selections and body interactions to assign boundary conditions and loads in ansys workbench. ¹⁴ Design modeler ansys has a graphical user interface (GUI) that consists of several panels, such as: - The *tree outline* panel that shows the hierarchy of the model components and allows you to select and edit them. ¹⁴ - The *graphics* panel that displays the model in 3D view and allows you to zoom, pan, rotate, etc. ¹⁴ - The *details view* panel that shows the properties and parameters of the selected component and allows you to change them. ¹⁴ - The *toolbar* panel that contains various icons for creating and modifying models. ¹⁴ - The *message* panel that shows the status and errors of the modeling process. ¹⁴ is better Ansys Design Modeler or Space Claim ??

- Import and export models from various CAD formats, such as SolidWorks, Catia, UG, etc. ¹³ - Create and edit parametric models using sketching, extrusion, revolution, sweep, loft, blend, etc. ¹⁴ - Apply Boolean operations, such as unite, subtract, intersect, etc., to combine or separate models. ¹⁴ - Modify models by adding or removing features, such as holes, fillets, chamfers, etc. ¹⁴ - Create and modify coordinate systems and planes to define the orientation and position of models. ¹⁴ - Define dimensions and constraints to control the size and shape of models. ¹⁴ - Create named selections and body interactions to assign boundary conditions and loads in ansys workbench. ¹⁴ Design modeler ansys has a graphical user interface (GUI) that consists of several panels, such as: - The *tree outline* panel that shows the hierarchy of the model components and allows you to select and edit them. ¹⁴ - The *graphics* panel that displays the model in 3D view and allows you to zoom, pan, rotate, etc. ¹⁴ - The *details view* panel that shows the properties and parameters of the selected component and allows you to change them. ¹⁴ - The *toolbar* panel that contains various icons for creating and modifying models. ¹⁴ - The *message* panel that shows the status and errors of the modeling process. ¹⁴

Saturday, August 26, 2023

#12steps Video Tutorial - Conjugate Heat Transfer on Ansys Fluent

 This is the first episode of 12 steps video's tutorials. I hope You like it :) 

First U need to know what is Conjugate Heat Transfer. 

Conjugate heat transfer is a type of heat transfer analysis that involves both solids and fluids. It takes into account the effects of conduction in solids and convection in fluids, as well as the interactions between them at the interface. Conjugate heat transfer is important for many engineering applications, such as cooling of electronic devices, heat exchangers, combustion chambers, and solar collectors. ¹²

Some examples of conjugate heat transfer problems are:

- A heat sink that dissipates heat from a power supply unit by increasing the surface area in contact with the air flow generated by a fan. ²

- A shell-and-tube heat exchanger that transfers heat between two fluids separated by a thin metal wall. ²

- A nuclear reactor core that transfers heat from the fuel rods to the coolant fluid. ⁴

To solve conjugate heat transfer problems, one needs to use a numerical method that can handle both solid and fluid domains, as well as the coupling conditions at the interface. Some of the methods are:

- The domain decomposition method, which divides the problem into subdomains and solves them separately, then matches the solutions at the interface. ¹

- The finite element method, which discretizes the problem into elements and applies variational principles to obtain a system of equations. ²

- The finite volume method, which discretizes the problem into control volumes and applies conservation laws to obtain a system of equations. ³⁴

Below two parts of video tutorial of Conjugate Heat Transfer in Ansys Fluent (#12steps series)


(1) Conjugate convective heat transfer - Wikipedia.

(2) Conjugate Heat Transfer | COMSOL Blog.

(3) Solving Conjugate Heat Transfer problems - Computational Fluid Dynamics.

(4) Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulation: Best Practices | SimScale.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Cooling process of the gear on Transient Thermal (Ansys Workbench)

 Transient Thermal module is a type of analysis that allows you to simulate the temperature changes and heat transfer in a system over time. It is useful for studying problems that involve time-dependent thermal loads, such as heat treatment, electronic cooling, engine heating, etc.

In Transient Thermal module, you need to specify the initial temperature distribution, the material properties (such as density, specific heat, and thermal conductivity), the boundary conditions (such as convection, radiation, and heat flux), and the time steps for the analysis. The module will solve the heat conduction equation for each time step and generate the results for the temperature, heat flux, heat transfer coefficient, etc.

You can also use Transient Thermal module to perform coupled thermal-structural analysis, where the thermal results are transferred to a structural analysis to calculate the thermal stresses and strains. This can help you evaluate the effects of thermal expansion, contraction, and deformation on your system.

If you want to learn more about Transient Thermal module in Ansys workbench, you can check out some of these resources:

- [Intro to Transient Thermal Analysis - ANSYS Innovation Courses](^5^): This is a PDF document that introduces the basics of transient thermal analysis and the governing equation.

- [Transient Thermal Analysis in ANSYS](^1^): This is a YouTube video that shows you how to do a transient thermal analysis in Ansys workbench with an example problem.

- [Transient heat transfer analysis using ANSYS workbench](^2^): This is another YouTube video that demonstrates how to perform transient heat transfer analysis using Ansys workbench with a different example problem.

I hope this helps you understand what is Transient Thermal module in Ansys workbench.


(1) Intro to Transient Thermal Analysis - ANSYS Innovation Courses.

(2) Transient Thermal Analysis in ANSYS - YouTube.

(3) Transient heat transfer analysis using ANSYS workbench.

(4) ANSYS Transient Thermal Tutorial - Convection of a Bar in Air.

(5) Setup Transient Thermal Analysis - ANSYS Innovation Courses.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Contact debonding in Ansys Structural tutorial

This tutorial demonstrates the use of Contact Debonding feature available in Mechanical by examining the displacement of two 2D parts on a double cantilever beam. This same problem is demonstrated in VM255. The following example is provided to demonstrate the steps to setup and analyze the same model using Mechanical.

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