Wednesday, July 3, 2024

STL Disappears in Fluent Mesh? Here's What's Really Happening (ICEM Users)

 The STL file itself won't be visible in Fluent after meshing in ICEM. Here's what's happening and how to ensure your geometry is represented in the mesh:

Understanding the Process:

  • ICEM imports the STL file as a surface definition for your computational domain.
  • The mesh is created based on this surface definition, not the actual STL file data.
  • Fluent reads the mesh information from ICEM, which defines the volume and boundaries of your domain.

Maximize ANSYS Fluent Performance: Solver Threads vs. Cores & When is GPU Used?

 Here's a response combining best practices for solver threads and GPU utilization in ANSYS Fluent:

Solver Threads:

The optimal number of solver threads for ANSYS Fluent depends on several factors:

  • Available Hardware:
    • Cores vs. Logical Processors: In modern CPUs, the number of cores and logical processors (threads) can be different due to hyperthreading. Generally, you can choose the number of logical processors. Hyperthreading allows each core to handle two threads simultaneously, potentially improving performance.
    • RAM: As the number of threads increases, so does RAM usage. Ensure you have sufficient RAM to avoid bottlenecks.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Simulating B-V Equation at Fluid Interface in ANSYS Fluent with UDF

 Directly adding an electric potential at the interface of two fluid domains in ANSYS Fluent isn't possible because the interface itself is a zero-dimensional entity. However, you can achieve a similar effect using a User-Defined Function (UDF) to modify the governing equations and account for the B-V equation at the interface. Here's how you might approach it:

UDF for B-V Equation:

ICEM Meshing Error: Uncovered Faces in Conjugated Heat Transfer (ANSYS Fluent)

 The "Uncovered Face" error in  solid zone cells adjacent to the fluid zone indicates a mesh incompatibility issue. Here's why it might be happening and how to address it:

Understanding the Problem:

  • Mesh Mismatch: When you set the edge parameters for both solid and fluid zones to have the same number of nodes initially, it might not translate perfectly when applying refinement with the tool. This can lead to slight discrepancies in mesh size and topology at the interface.
  • "Uncovered Face" Error: ICEM detects that some faces on the solid zone bordering the fluid zone are not entirely covered by the refined fluid mesh. This creates a discontinuity at the interface, which can cause problems in conjugated heat transfer simulations.

ANSYS Fluent Meshing Error: Self-Intersections in Plate & Frame Heat Exchanger

 Self-intersections during meshing are a common problem in ANSYS Fluent, especially with complex geometries like plate and frame heat exchangers. Here are some tips and ideas to address the issue and improve your meshing process:

1. Identify and Fix Self-Intersections:

Monday, July 1, 2024

How to Display Nodal Forces in Ansys Mechanical

 Ansys Mechanical offers two methods to visualize nodal forces:

 * ENFO Vectors (Workbench):

   * In the Results tree, navigate to the solution containing the nodal forces you want to display.

Mat Foundation with SOG Loading: Impact Evaluation

 Here's how to determine the effects of SOG loading on your mat foundation:

 * Evaluate Load Transfer: Since the SOG rests on the soil, analyze if there's significant load transfer to the underlying mat. If the SOG is sufficiently thick and stiff, it might distribute the equipment loads over a larger area, potentially reducing the stress on the mat.

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