Wednesday, June 26, 2024

ANSYS SLM Simulation: Troubleshooting Iso-Surface Movement

Iso-surface movement during SLM simulation in ANSYS can be caused by several factors. Here are some potential causes and solutions to consider:


 * Inaccurate Melt Pool Dynamics: The melting behavior of the powder might be misrepresented in your simulation. Calibrate your material properties, laser power settings, and melt pool viscosity to better reflect reality.

 * Meshing Issues: A coarse mesh might not capture the melt pool dynamics accurately. Refine your mesh, particularly around the laser-powder interaction zone, to improve precision.

Ansys Cfd Post: Troubleshooting Vorticity Contours

There are two possible reasons why you might not be able to see the vorticity contours in ANSYS CFD-Post:

Water Velocity Increase in Partially Filled Stirred Vessel Simulation (OpenFOAM)

 The unexpected velocity increase in your partially filled stirred vessel simulation could stem from a few factors:

Hey everyone,

I have a weird problem with my simulation of a stirred vessel partially filled with water. Above the air-water interface, the velocity of water (UWater) gradually increases over time and I can't figure out why. I think this increase over time causes my simulation to fail after simulating a few seconds

I mostly used the case from this link as a reference:

I can't figure out what the problem is for the increase. Does anyone know what could be the cause for this or had similar issues in the past?

Porting Initial Field from StarCCM+ to OpenFOAM for Continuing Simulations

 There are two main approaches to porting the initial field from a StarCCM+ simulation to an OpenFOAM case:

 * Using ccmToFoam: While ccmToFoam can convert the mesh, it may not directly translate the initial field data. You'll need to manipulate the converted data to match OpenFOAM's format.

Simulating Rough Wall Pipe Flow in OpenFOAM with interFoam

 In OpenFOAM, you can simulate rough wall effects in your pipe flow simulations using the roughWall function object. This function alters the logarithmic law of the wall to account for the increased drag caused by the roughness.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Swift JSONDecoder: Access Nested JSON String without Decoding Entire Object

 To access the raw GeoJSON string within a nested part of your server response without decoding the entire structure, you can use the decodeIfPresent(_:forKey:) method of the Decoder object. Here's how you can modify your code:

Fixing "command not found" errors during OpenFOAM 11 installation on WSL

 I am trying to install the OpenFOAM 11 version of thew software on my Windows server 22 OS through WSL. I followed the documentation based on the 4 steps mentioned here.

While sourcing the bashrc file through my $HOME directory, I am getting the following errors as shown in the image attached. Do I need to make any changes in the User editable portion of the bashrc script?

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