Sunday, June 16, 2024

What free open source programs similar to Ansys can you find today

 Ansys is a powerful commercial software suite, so there isn't a single free program that offers all its functionalities. However, depending on your specific needs, here are some free and open-source options that can handle various aspects of structural analysis similar to Ansys:

General Structural Analysis:

  • CalculiX: This open-source project provides a complete FEA (Finite Element Analysis) solution with pre/post-processing capabilities and a built-in solver. It's a good option for general linear structural analysis. (
  • Elmer/ElmerGrid: Elmer is an open-source multiphysics solver with modules for structural mechanics. ElmerGrid is a separate mesh generator often used with Elmer. This combination allows for complex simulations, but requires more technical expertise. ([invalid URL removed])
  • Salome with Code_Aster: Salome is an open-source pre/post-processing platform compatible with various solvers, including Code_Aster, which focuses on structural analysis. This option offers good flexibility but might require learning multiple tools. (

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Ansys Discovery vs. Ansys SpaceClaim: Pros and Cons

 Both Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim are Ansys software products, but they serve different purposes. Here's a breakdown of their pros and cons to help you decide which one is better for your needs:

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Water: A fascinating substance without which we cannot imagine life! 12 FACTS :)

Do you know that...👀

* **We are aquatic beings?** Our bodies consist of 60-70% water, and our brains even 75%! Without water, we couldn't digest, transport nutrients, or regulate body temperature - we would simply cease to exist!

* **There is more water on Earth than you think!** If we distributed it all evenly, it would create an ocean 3,700 meters deep! Unfortunately, only 2.5% is fresh water, the rest is salt water.

* **Water is a magical solvent!** It can dissolve more substances than any other liquid on Earth - that's why it mixes so easily with juices, tea and... soup!

* **Water can change states of matter!** When heated, it turns into steam and when cooled, it turns into ice. This is why we have clouds, rain, snow and glaciers - amazing phenomena that shape our planet!

* **Water is essential for life, not only for humans!** Plants, animals - all living beings need it to function properly. Without it, the world would be a desert ball!

Water is more than just a liquid. It is a **life-giving elixir**, a **powerful force of nature** and an **extraordinary substance**. Let's take care of it, save and appreciate its unique properties!

When to use sliding mesh and when to use mrf method in Ansys Fluent

Choosing between a Sliding Mesh and MRF (Multiple Reference Frame) in ANSYS Fluent depends on the complexity of your simulation and the accuracy you require.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Why choosing implicit method in VoF eulerian model is the best option ?

 Imagine you're a detective trying to track down a mischievous gas bubble hiding in a swirling liquid. In the world of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), that bubble is your friend, and you're the CFD model trying to predict its movement.

There are two main ways to approach this case: explicit and implicit methods.

Monday, June 10, 2024

How to start learning fluid mechanics in numerical analyses?

 Fluid mechanics with numerical analysis, also known as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), is a powerful field! Here's a roadmap to get you started:

Thursday, June 6, 2024

How to model crack propagation in Ansys ?

 Ansys offers functionalities to model crack propagation through the Ansys Mechanical software and the SMART Crack Growth feature. Here's a general breakdown of the process:

1. Pre-Processing:

  • Geometry and Mesh: Define the geometry of your model in Ansys Workbench. Ansys Mechanical's Unstructured Mesh Method (UMM) can automatically generate a mesh suitable for crack simulations, reducing preprocessing time [Ansys white paper on SMART Crack Growth & Fracture Modeling].
  • Material Properties: Assign material properties to your model, including the fracture toughness which plays a critical role in crack growth behavior.

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