Sunday, December 3, 2023

💥💥💥 How to communicate Ansys Fluent with Siemens Simit (possible ways) ?

 To communicate Ansys Fluent with Siemens Simit, you may need to use the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard, which is a tool-independent standard for the exchange and co-simulation of dynamic models. FMI defines a common interface for model exchange and co-simulation, which allows different simulation tools to communicate and exchange information during the simulation process1.

One possible way to use FMI is to create a sub circuit using compatible elements in Twin Builder, and then compile a twin model out of the sub circuit. After that, you can select the twin model and export it as a twin for deployment2. You can also use the command /plot/file-set/plot-to-file [filename] to export the data used in the plots into a specified file3. However, Fluent only supports co-simulation FMU, which means that it cannot export FMU files by itself4. You may need to use another tool that supports FMI model exchange to create FMU files from Fluent data.

You can find more information and guidance on how to use FMI and FMU files in the following web search results:

Can I import output results file, for example CSV file from Ansys Fluent to Simit, without using Twin Buidler?

It seems that you want to import output results file, for example CSV file from Ansys Fluent to Simit, without using Twin Builder. According to the web search results, there are some possible ways to do that by using the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard, which is a tool-independent standard for the exchange and co-simulation of dynamic models. FMI defines a common interface for model exchange and co-simulation, which allows different simulation tools to communicate and exchange information during the simulation process1.

One possible way to use FMI is to export the data used in the plots into a specified file by using the command /plot/file-set/plot-to-file [filename]2. Then, you can use another tool that supports FMI model exchange to create FMU files from Fluent data. For example, you can use Simulink, which is a graphical environment for modeling, simulation and analysis of multi-domain systems. Simulink can import and export FMU files and perform co-simulation with other FMI-compatible tools3.

Another possible way to use FMI is to write the result of Fluent into a generic ASCII file which you can then read elsewhere4. Then, you can use a tool that can convert the ASCII file into an FMU file, such as FMPy, which is a Python library to simulate FMU files5.

You can find more information and guidance on how to use FMI and FMU files in the following web search results:

Can I use Fluent with other simulation tools that support FMI?

Yes, you can use Fluent with other simulation tools that support FMI. FMI is a tool-independent standard for the exchange and co-simulation of dynamic models. FMI defines a common interface for model exchange and co-simulation, which allows different simulation tools to communicate and exchange information during the simulation process1.

Some of the simulation tools that support FMI are:

  • Simulink: Simulink is a graphical environment for modeling, simulation and analysis of multi-domain systems. Simulink can import and export FMU files and perform co-simulation with other FMI-compatible tools.
  • PSIM: PSIM is a simulation software for power electronics, motor drives, and power systems. PSIM can generate FMU models and perform co-simulation with other FMI-supporting software.
  • Wolfram System Modeler: Wolfram System Modeler is a Modelica-based modeling and simulation tool that supports FMI for model exchange and co-simulation. System Modeler can import and export FMU files and also integrate with other Wolfram products.

You can find more information and guidance on how to use FMI and FMU files in the following web search results:

What is the difference between FMI and FMU?

The difference between FMI and FMU is that FMI is a standard for the exchange and co-simulation of dynamic models, while FMU is a file that contains a simulation model that adheres to the FMI standard1. FMI defines a common interface for model exchange and co-simulation, which allows different simulation tools to communicate and exchange information during the simulation process. FMU is a file that consists of an XML description file and implementation in a binary form2. FMU can be imported or exported by different simulation tools that support the FMI standard. FMI and FMU are part of the same FMU standard for the purpose of system integration, which simplifies the interaction between the simulation environment and the systems models in different domains3. FMU represents the simulation model, while FMI provides a standardized communication interface between the models.

Is there possibility to create FMU file in Ansys Fluent ?

According to the web search results, it seems that there are some modules in Ansys Workbench that can create FMU files. FMU files are files that contain a simulation model that adheres to the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard, which is a tool-independent standard for the exchange and co-simulation of dynamic models1.

Some of the modules that can create FMU files are:

You can find more information and guidance on how to use FMI and FMU files in the following web search results:

How do I create an FMU file from Ansys Mechanical data?

To create an FMU file from Ansys Mechanical data, you need to use the FMI Export feature in Ansys Mechanical. FMU files are files that contain a simulation model that follows the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard, which is a tool-independent standard for the exchange and co-simulation of dynamic models1.

The FMI Export feature allows you to export your Mechanical model as an FMU file for co-simulation with other FMI-compatible tools. You can access the FMI Export feature by right-clicking on the Solution branch in the Mechanical outline and selecting FMI Export2. You can then specify the name and location of the FMU file, the FMI version, the co-simulation type, and the input and output variables. You can also select the option to include the results file in the FMU file, which will allow you to initialize the FMU with the results from the Mechanical solution3.

After you export the FMU file, you can import it into another tool that supports FMI co-simulation, such as Ansys Twin Builder, Simulink, or Open Modelica. You can then perform co-simulation between the Mechanical model and the other model, and exchange data and parameters between them. You can find more information and guidance on how to use FMI and FMU files in the following web search results:

Can I create FMU file in Ansys CFX ?

Saturday, December 2, 2023

💥💥💥 What are The prons and cons comparing Ansys Fluent and CFX ?

 Ansys Fluent and CFX are both powerful computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software tools that can help you solve complex fluid flow problems. However, they have some differences in their features, capabilities, and applications. Here are some of the pros and cons of each tool based on the information I found on the web:

Ansys Fluent:


- Fluent can handle true 2D meshes, which can reduce the computational cost and time for some problems¹.

- Fluent can handle polyhedral and cutcell meshes, which can improve the accuracy and robustness of the solution¹.

- Fluent has stronger mesh adaption capabilities than CFX, which can help refine the mesh in regions of interest and improve the solution quality¹⁴.

- Fluent has its own post-processing capabilities, which can help visualize and analyze the results within the same environment¹.

- Fluent is continuously updated and improved by the developers, and has more tutorials and resources available for learning¹.

- Fluent can simulate high Mach number flows (supersonic and hypersonic flows), which are important for aerospace applications¹.

- Fluent can use GPU acceleration to speed up the simulation, which can save time and resources¹.


- Fluent uses a semi-implicit solver, which can be slower than CFX for some problems¹.

- Fluent uses a cell-centered approach, which can introduce errors in the pressure-velocity coupling¹.

- Fluent needs user-defined functions (UDFs) for customization, which can complicate things for beginners¹⁴.

Ansys CFX:


- CFX uses a fully implicit solver, which can be faster than Fluent for some problems¹.

- CFX uses a vertex-centered approach, which can avoid errors in the pressure-velocity coupling¹.

- CFX uses a shape function borrowed from finite element method (FEM) to evaluate gradients, which can improve the accuracy and stability of the solution¹.

- CFX can use CFX Expression Language (CEL) for customization, which is easier and more flexible than UDFs¹⁴.

- CFX can handle turbomachinery problems, which are important for power generation and propulsion applications¹.


- CFX cannot handle true 2D meshes, which can increase the computational cost and time for some problems¹.

- CFX cannot handle polyhedral and cutcell meshes, which can limit the meshing options and solution quality¹.

- CFX has weaker mesh adaption capabilities than Fluent, and only supports adaptive meshing for single domains with no GGI interfaces and limited physics¹⁴.

- CFX needs a dedicated post-processor, which can add an extra step and complexity to the workflow¹.

- CFX is not updated and improved as frequently as Fluent, and has fewer tutorials and resources available for learning¹.

- CFX cannot simulate high Mach number flows (supersonic and hypersonic flows), which are relevant for aerospace applications¹.

- CFX cannot use GPU acceleration to speed up the simulation, which can waste time and resources¹.

I hope this helps you compare Ansys Fluent and CFX. If you want to learn more about them, you can visit their official websites²³ or read some user reviews⁴..


(1) CFX vs. FLUENT -- CFD Online Discussion Forums.

(2) Compare Ansys CFX vs. Ansys Fluent | G2.

(3) .

(4) What are the differences between CFX and Fluent? - Ansys Learning Forum.



What is the difference between a semi-implicit solver and a fully implicit solver?

A semi-implicit solver and a fully implicit solver are two types of numerical methods for solving differential equations that arise in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The main difference between them is how they treat the terms that depend on the unknown quantities at the new time step¹.

A semi-implicit solver evaluates some of the terms in the equation using the known quantities at the previous time step, while a fully implicit solver evaluates all of the terms using the unknown quantities at the new time step¹. This means that a fully implicit solver requires solving a system of equations involving both the current and the new state of the system, while a semi-implicit solver can calculate the new state directly from the current state¹.

The advantage of a fully implicit solver is that it can be more stable and accurate than a semi-implicit solver, especially for stiff problems where the time step size is limited by stability issues¹². The disadvantage of a fully implicit solver is that it can be more computationally expensive and complex to implement than a semi-implicit solver, especially for non-linear problems where the system of equations needs to be solved iteratively¹².

The choice of a semi-implicit or a fully implicit solver depends on the problem to be solved, the desired accuracy and efficiency, and the availability of certain features. For example, some problems may require a fully implicit solver to handle dynamic effects, contact, or certain physics models, while others may benefit from a semi-implicit solver to handle high-speed flows, mesh adaptation, or GPU acceleration²³.


(1) Explicit and implicit methods - Wikipedia.

(2) Implicit Vs Explicit Finite Element Analysis: When to Use Which? - TECHNIA.

(3) Implicit vs. Explicit Numerical Methods - FLOW-3D.

Friday, December 1, 2023

💥💥💥 What are the methods of modeling the closed gas cycle in Ansys Fluent?

 There are several methods of modeling the closed gas cycle in Ansys Fluent, depending on the type of problem, the assumptions, and the desired results. Some of the possible methods are:

For more information and examples of modeling the closed gas cycle in Ansys Fluent, you can refer to the following sources:
How do I model heat transfer in a closed gas cycle?

To model heat transfer in a closed gas cycle, you need to solve the energy equation for the gas flow, in addition to the continuity and momentum equations. The energy equation is a statement of the first law of thermodynamics, which relates the changes in internal energy, kinetic energy, and potential energy of the gas to the heat and work transfer across the system boundary. 

Ansys Fluent can solve the energy equation for the gas flow using various methods and models, depending on the type of problem, the assumptions, and the desired results. Some of the possible methods and models are:

For more information and examples of modeling heat transfer in a closed gas cycle in Ansys Fluent, you can refer to the following sources:

  • Energy Equation - Ansys Fluent Theory Guide, which is a document that explains the formulation, discretization, and solution methods of the energy equation in Ansys Fluent.
  • Materials - Ansys Fluent User’s Guide, which is a document that describes how to define the material properties and the specific heat models in Ansys Fluent.
  • Compressible Flows - Ansys Fluent User’s Guide, which is a document that shows how to set up and solve compressible flow problems in Ansys Fluent.
  • [Heat Transfer - Ansys Fluent User’s Guide], which is a document that illustrates how to enable and use the heat transfer models and the thermal boundary conditions in Ansys Fluent.
How to define mass source term in closed loops in Ansys Fluent?

To define a mass source term in a closed loop in Ansys Fluent, you need to use a user-defined function (UDF) that specifies the amount of mass added or removed from the system. You can write the UDF in C language and compile it in Ansys Fluent using the DEFINE_SOURCE macro. The UDF should return the value of the mass source term in units of kg/m^3 s for each cell in the domain. You can also use Fluent expressions and cell registers to define the mass source term based on spatial coordinates or other variables. You can apply the UDF to a cell zone, a face zone, or a point in the Cell Zone Conditions menu. You can also use the Phase Interaction menu to define the mass transfer terms between different phases in a multiphase flow.

For more information and examples of defining mass source terms in closed loops in Ansys Fluent, you can refer to the following sources:

Are there other methods to define mass source terms instead of defining UDF in Ansys Fluent?

Yes, there are other methods to define mass source terms instead of defining UDF in Ansys Fluent. Some of the possible methods are:

For more information and examples of defining mass source terms using these methods in Ansys Fluent, you can refer to the sources that I found in my web search.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

💥💥💥 How to learn TensorFlow?

  • Python: Before you even start studying TensorFlow, you should be familiar with the Python programming language. Python is the most widely used language for TensorFlow, and it offers many libraries and tools for data analysis, visualization, and manipulation. You can learn Python from various online courses, books, or tutorials, such as Learn Python or Python for Everybody.
  • Foundations of Neural Networks: Since TensorFlow is a deep learning framework, it helps a lot to have a conceptual understanding of neural networks. Neural networks are composed of layers of artificial neurons that can learn from data and perform various tasks, such as classification, regression, generation, and more. You can learn the basics of neural networks from courses, books, or videos, such as Neural Networks and Deep Learning or 3Blue1Brown’s Neural Networks playlist.
  • Building Models with the Keras Sequential API: Keras is a high-level API that makes it easy to build and train models in TensorFlow. The Keras Sequential API allows you to create models by stacking layers in a linear fashion. You can learn how to use the Keras Sequential API from the official [TensorFlow tutorials], such as [TensorFlow 2 quickstart for beginners] or [Image classification].
  • Data Preprocessing: Data preprocessing is an essential step in any machine learning project. It involves transforming, cleaning, and augmenting the data to make it suitable for the model. TensorFlow offers multiple data tools to help you load, manipulate, and visualize data, such as,, tf.image, and more. You can learn how to use these tools from the official [TensorFlow guides], such as [Load and preprocess data] or [Data augmentation].
  • Keras Functional API, DataTypes, and Arithmetic Operators: The Keras Functional API is another way to create models in TensorFlow. It allows you to create more complex and flexible models that can have multiple inputs, outputs, or branches. You can learn how to use the Keras Functional API from the official [TensorFlow tutorials], such as [Multi-input and multi-output models] or [Siamese network with a triplet loss]. Additionally, you should also be familiar with the basic data types and arithmetic operators in TensorFlow, such as tensors, variables, constants, gradients, and more. You can learn these concepts from the official [TensorFlow guides], such as [Introduction to tensors] or [Introduction to gradients and automatic differentiation].
  • Advanced Topics: Once you have mastered the basics of TensorFlow, you can explore more advanced topics, such as distributed training, custom layers, custom training loops, model optimization, model deployment, and more. You can learn these topics from the official [TensorFlow tutorials] and [TensorFlow guides], as well as from other sources, such as [TensorFlow Hub], [TensorFlow Model Garden], [TensorFlow Probability], [TensorFlow Federated], and more. You can also find many examples of state-of-the-art research models implemented in TensorFlow, such as [Transformers], [GANs], [BERT], and more.

How do I install TensorFlow on my computer?

There are different ways to install TensorFlow on your computer, depending on your operating system, your hardware, and your preferences. Here are some possible options:

  • Install TensorFlow with pip: This is the easiest and most common way to install TensorFlow. You can use the pip package manager to install TensorFlow and its dependencies. You can choose between the CPU-only version or the GPU version of TensorFlow, depending on whether you have a CUDA-enabled GPU card or not. To install TensorFlow with pip, you need to have Python 3.9–3.11, pip version 19.0 or higher for Linux and Windows, or pip version 20.3 or higher for macOS. You can follow the official TensorFlow tutorials or TensorFlow guides for detailed instructions on how to install TensorFlow with pip for different operating systems and environments.
  • Run a TensorFlow container: This is another easy way to use TensorFlow without having to install it on your system. You can use Docker to run a TensorFlow container that is already configured to run TensorFlow. You can choose between the CPU-only version or the GPU version of TensorFlow, depending on whether you have a CUDA-enabled GPU card or not. To run a TensorFlow container, you need to have Docker installed on your system. You can follow the official Docker install guide for detailed instructions on how to run a TensorFlow container for different operating systems and environments.
  • Build from source: This is a more advanced and customized way to install TensorFlow. You can build TensorFlow from source code and specify the options and features you want. You can also enable support for different hardware and software configurations, such as CUDA, TensorRT, MKL, etc. To build TensorFlow from source, you need to have Bazel, MSYS2, Visual C++ Build Tools 2019, and other dependencies installed on your system. You can follow the official TensorFlow source guide for detailed instructions on how to build TensorFlow from source for different operating systems and environments.

What is the difference between TensorFlow 1 and TensorFlow 2?

The difference between TensorFlow 1 and TensorFlow 2 is a common question among machine learning enthusiasts and developers. TensorFlow is a popular open-source framework for machine learning and deep learning, developed by Google. TensorFlow 1 was released in 2017, and TensorFlow 2 was released in 2019. Here are some of the main differences between the two versions:

  • Eager execution: TensorFlow 2 enables eager execution by default, which means that the code is executed immediately as it is written, without creating a static graph first. This makes debugging and prototyping easier and more intuitive. TensorFlow 1 requires explicit graph creation and session management, which can be cumbersome and error-prone. However, TensorFlow 1 also supports eager execution as an experimental feature, and TensorFlow 2 also supports graph mode via the tf.function decorator, which can improve performance and portability.
  • Keras integration: TensorFlow 2 adopts Keras as the high-level API for building and training models, making it more user-friendly and consistent. Keras is a widely used and well-documented framework that simplifies common tasks such as data preprocessing, model construction, regularization, and evaluation. TensorFlow 1 also supports Keras, but as a separate package that is not fully integrated with the core TensorFlow APIs.
  • API cleanup: TensorFlow 2 removes or deprecates many redundant, inconsistent, or low-level APIs from TensorFlow 1, making it more concise and coherent. For example, TensorFlow 2 removes, tf.flags, and tf.logging in favor of the absl-py library, rehomes projects that lived in tf.contrib, and moves lesser used functions into subpackages like tf.math. TensorFlow 2 also replaces some APIs with their updated equivalents, such as tf.summary, tf.keras.metrics, and tf.keras.optimizers.
  • Distributed training: TensorFlow 2 simplifies the process of distributed training, which allows you to leverage multiple devices or machines to speed up your model training and inference. TensorFlow 2 provides the tf.distribute API, which abstracts away the details of distribution strategies and offers a consistent interface for single or multiple GPUs, TPUs, or CPUs. TensorFlow 1 also supports distributed training, but with more complex and lower-level APIs, such as tf.distribute.ClusterSpec, tf.distribute.Server, and tf.distribute.Strategy.

These are some of the major differences between TensorFlow 1 and TensorFlow 2. If you want to learn more, you can check out the official TensorFlow tutorials or TensorFlow guides, or some of the web search results I found for you, such as TensorFlow 1.x vs TensorFlow 2 - Behaviors and APIs, Tensorflow 1.0 vs. Tensorflow 2.0: What’s the Difference?, or TensorFlow vs TensorFlow 2: Which is Better?. I hope this helps you understand the difference between TensorFlow 1 and TensorFlow 2. 

Can You recommend a good learning resources about TensorFlow ?

Sure, I can recommend some good learning resources about TensorFlow. TensorFlow is a popular open-source framework for machine learning and deep learning, developed by Google. It allows you to build, train, and deploy models using various languages, such as Python, JavaScript, Swift, and more. If you want to learn TensorFlow, here are some possible resources you can check out:

  • TensorFlow and Keras Official Tutorials: These are the official tutorials from the TensorFlow website, which cover the basics and advanced topics of TensorFlow and Keras, the high-level API for building and training models. You can learn how to use TensorFlow for different tasks, such as image classification, natural language processing, data augmentation, distributed training, and more. You can also find examples of code and interactive notebooks that you can run and modify. You can access the TensorFlow tutorials here and the Keras tutorials here.
  • TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate by Coursera: This is a four-course specialization offered by Coursera, which teaches you how to use TensorFlow for artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning. You will learn the foundations of neural networks, convolutions, natural language processing, and generative models. You will also work on real-world projects and datasets, such as fashion MNIST, IMDB reviews, Shakespeare texts, and more. You can also earn an official certification from TensorFlow after completing the specialization. You can enroll in the TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate here.
  • Video Tutorials on YouTube Channels: There are many YouTube channels that offer video tutorials on TensorFlow, which can be helpful if you prefer to learn by watching and listening. Some of the popular channels are TensorFlow, sentdex, deeplizard, and You can find many videos on different topics, such as TensorFlow basics, TensorFlow 2.0, TensorFlow.js, TensorFlow Lite, and more. You can also follow along with the code and exercises. You can browse the TensorFlow YouTube channel here and the other channels here, [here], and [here].
  • Introduction to Deep Learning from MIT: This is an online course from MIT, which introduces you to the concepts and applications of deep learning. You will learn how to use TensorFlow and Keras to implement various types of neural networks, such as feedforward, convolutional, recurrent, and generative. You will also learn how to use TensorFlow for computer vision, natural language processing, reinforcement learning, and more. You can access the course materials, videos, and assignments [here].
  • Book: Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: This is a book by Aurélien Géron, which teaches you how to use TensorFlow and other frameworks to create machine learning and deep learning models. You will learn the theory and practice of machine learning, from data preprocessing, model selection, evaluation, to deployment. You will also learn how to use TensorFlow for various tasks, such as regression, classification, clustering, dimensionality reduction, and more. You can buy the book [here] or read it online [here].

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

💥💥💥 What is Simit (simulation platform) from Siemens ?

 Simit is a simulation platform developed by Siemens that enables comprehensive tests of automation applications and offers realistic training environments for operators before real systems go into operation1. Simit can be used for different industries, such as chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive, and energy2. Simit can help reduce commissioning time, shorten time-to-market, optimize processes, and retain know-how12. Simit is also compatible with other Siemens products, such as SIMATIC PCS 7, SIMATIC WinCC, and TIA Portal1. Simit is described as the “holy grail” of simulation platforms by some experts3.

What are some features of Simit?

Can I use Simit for free ?

According to the web search results, Simit is not a free software. You need to purchase a license for your needs on the following page: New licensing model for Simit. However, you can use a 14-day trial license after installation and first opening of the software1. This means you have 14 days to test the software at your leisure. If you like it, you can buy a license from the Siemens Industry Mall2

Can I connect Simit with Ansys ?

There is a possibility to connect Simit with Ansys. Ansys is a software suite that offers engineering simulation solutions for various fields, such as structural, fluid, thermal, and electromagnetic analysis1. Simit is a simulation platform that enables comprehensive tests of automation applications and offers realistic training environments for operators before real systems go into operation2. Simit can be used for different industries, such as chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive, and energy3.

One way to connect Simit with Ansys is to use the SIMIT Component Type Editor, which allows users to create custom component types and integrate them into the Simit simulation framework4. The Component Type Editor supports different engineering methods, such as logic matrix, SFC calculations, and selective download3. The Component Type Editor also enables users to import and export component types in XML format4.

Another way to connect Simit with Ansys is to use the SIMIT Simulation Framework, which allows users to connect I/O signals with Simit simulation models5. The SIMIT Simulation Framework can be used to create and run simulation scenarios, as well as to monitor and control the simulation process6. The SIMIT Simulation Framework also supports different communication protocols, such as OPC UA, OPC DA, and TCP/IP6.

Can I export my simulation from Ansys Fluent to Simit?

According to the web search results, there is no direct way to export a simulation from Ansys Fluent to Simit. Ansys Fluent is a software that offers computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solutions for various applications, such as aerodynamics, combustion, heat transfer, and multiphase flow1. Simit is a simulation platform that enables comprehensive tests of automation applications and offers realistic training environments for operators before real systems go into operation2. Simit can be used for different industries, such as chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive, and energy3.

However, there are some possible ways to export data from Ansys Fluent and import it into Simit. One way is to use the execute commands feature in Ansys Fluent, which allows users to run text user interface (TUI) commands at specified intervals during a simulation4. The TUI commands can be used to display and save plots, contours, vectors, pathlines, etc. in various formats, such as ASCII, CSV, or JPEG4. These files can then be imported into Simit using the component type editor, which allows users to create custom component types and integrate them into the Simit simulation framework5. The component type editor supports different engineering methods, such as logic matrix, SFC calculations, and selective download3. The component type editor also enables users to import and export component types in XML format5.

Another way is to use the solution animation feature in Ansys Fluent, which allows users to create and save animations of the simulation results in various formats, such as AVI, MPEG, or WMV. These files can then be imported into Simit using the simulation framework, which allows users to connect I/O signals with Simit simulation models. The simulation framework can be used to create and run simulation scenarios, as well as to monitor and control the simulation process. The simulation framework also supports different communication protocols, such as OPC UA, OPC DA, and TCP/IP.

How do I connect Simit with Ansys Fluent?

To connect Simit with Ansys Fluent, you need to use the Simit Component Type Editor and the Simit Simulation Framework. These are tools that allow you to create custom component types and integrate them into the Simit simulation framework, as well as to connect I/O signals with Simit simulation models1. You can also use the execute commands feature and the solution animation feature in Ansys Fluent to export data and animations from your CFD simulations and import them into Simit2.

Here are the steps to connect Simit with Ansys Fluent:

What are alternatives for Simit ?

Some of the alternatives for Simit simulation platform are:

What are benefits of using Simit with Ansys Fluent  ?

Monday, November 27, 2023

💥💥💥 What are the best and easy use open source CAE systems available on Linux?

 There are many open source CAE systems available on Linux, but the best and easy to use ones may depend on your specific needs and preferences. However, based on the web search results, some of the most popular and comprehensive ones are:

- CAELinux: an open source LiveDVD Linux distribution dedicated to computer aided engineering, scientific simulation, finite element analysis and computational fluid dynamics (CAE / FEA / CFD) ¹. It offers a complete platform for open source engineering development with CAD, CAM, CAE, FEA, CFD, electronic design, scientific computing, programming and mathematical modelling tools ¹. It is based on Xubuntu 18.04 LTS 64 bit and can run directly from a USB flash drive without any installation ¹. Some of the software included in CAELinux are Salome, Freecad, OpenSCAD, LibreCAD, PyCAM, Camotics, dxf2gcode, Cura, Salome-Meca, Code-Aster, Code-Saturne, OpenFOAM, Elmer, Calculix and more ¹⁴.

- FEniCS Project: a software package developed by American and European researchers with the goal to enable automated solution of differential equations ². It is written in C++ and Python and supports all widely used finite element types, serial and parallel meshes, and h and hp adaptivity ². It can be used for multiphysics simulations involving fluid flow, heat transfer, elasticity, electromagnetics, acoustics, etc. ². It is available for Linux, Unix, Mac OS X and Windows ².

- FreeFEM: a free and open-source parallel FEA software for multiphysics simulations ³. The problems are defined in terms of their variational formulation and can be easily implemented using FreeFEM language ³. It is written in C++ and supports various types of meshes, solvers, preconditioners, discretizations, etc. ³. It can handle problems involving fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, electromagnetism, heat transfer, etc. ³. It is available for Linux, MacOS, Windows and Solaris ³.

These are some of the best and easy to use open source CAE systems available on Linux, but there are many others that you can explore and compare. I hope this helps you find the right one for your needs. 😊


(1) CAELinux - Home.

(2) CAELinux - Home.

(3) .

(4) List of finite element software packages - Wikipedia.

(5) CAELinux - Download.




Is CAELinux still developed ?

According to the web search results, CAELinux is still being developed, but it faces some challenges due to the increasing size and complexity of the software packages and the base distribution. The latest release of CAELinux is CAELinux 2020, which is based on Xubuntu 18.04 and was published in January 2019 ². The developer of CAELinux, Joël Cugnoni, has posted a request for feedback on the CAELinux forum in March 2021, asking for suggestions on how to improve the next release of CAELinux ¹. He has proposed some possible options, such as switching to a lighter distribution, developing a CAE software center app, or creating a lightweight and a full version of CAELinux ¹. However, there is no official announcement or confirmation on the development status of CAELinux 2022 or later. If you are interested in CAELinux, you can download the latest version from the official website ⁴ or join the forum discussion ¹ to share your ideas and feedback. 😊


(1) CAELinux - Home.

(2) Development of a new 2022 release or else? - CAELinux.

(3) CAELinux - Download.

(4) CAELinux - Home.

CAELinux is a Linux distribution that is specially designed for computer aided engineering (CAE) applications. It is based on Xubuntu, a lightweight and user-friendly version of Ubuntu, and contains a large number of open source software packages for CAD, CAM, CAE, FEA, CFD, electronic design, scientific computing, programming and mathematical modelling. CAELinux can run directly from a USB flash drive without any installation, or it can be installed to a hard disk for better performance. It can also run in a virtual machine using software like VMWare Player or VirtualBox. CAELinux is updated regularly with new versions of the software and the base distribution, and it can be safely updated as any other Ubuntu install. However, it is not recommended to upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04, as it may break some custom packages.

Some of the software included in CAELinux are:

- Salome: a software platform for pre- and post-processing of numerical simulations. It provides an integrated environment for geometry modelling, mesh generation, data analysis and visualization. It can also be used as a graphical user interface for various solvers, such as Code-Aster, Code-Saturne, OpenFOAM, Elmer and Calculix ¹.

- Freecad: a parametric 3D CAD modeler that can create and modify complex solid models using a sketch-based approach. It supports various types of modelling, such as mechanical engineering, architecture, product design and 3D printing. It can also perform finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, and export models to various formats ².

- OpenSCAD: a software for creating solid 3D models using a script-based approach. It is mainly used for designing parametric parts, such as gears, screws, nuts, etc. It can also import and export models in various formats, such as STL, DXF, SVG, etc. ³.

- LibreCAD: a 2D CAD application that can create and edit technical drawings, such as floor plans, schematics, diagrams, etc. It supports various file formats, such as DXF, SVG, PDF, etc. It also has a large library of standard parts and symbols ⁴.

- PyCAM: a tool for generating toolpaths and G-code for 3D milling, engraving and cutting. It can import models in STL, DXF and SVG formats, and export G-code in various formats, such as EMC2, Mach3, RepRap, etc. It also has a simulation mode that can preview the machining process ⁵.

- Camotics: a tool for simulating 3-axis CNC milling and engraving. It can load G-code files and display the resulting toolpaths and workpiece. It can also estimate the machining time, material removal rate, and cutting forces ⁶.

- dxf2gcode: a tool for converting 2D DXF drawings to G-code for CNC machines. It can handle various types of entities, such as lines, arcs, circles, etc. It also has a graphical user interface that can preview and edit the G-code ⁷.

- Cura: a tool for slicing 3D models and generating G-code for 3D printing. It supports various types of printers, materials, and settings. It also has a graphical user interface that can preview and modify the print .

- Salome-Meca: a software package that integrates Salome and Code-Aster, a powerful finite element solver for structural mechanics, thermal, acoustics, fluid-structure interaction, and other multiphysics problems. It provides a graphical user interface for setting up, running and post-processing Code-Aster simulations .

- Code-Aster: a finite element solver that can handle various types of problems, such as linear and nonlinear mechanics, thermics, acoustics, fluid-structure interaction, contact, fracture, fatigue, etc. It has a large library of elements, materials, models, and algorithms. It can also be coupled with other solvers, such as Code-Saturne, OpenFOAM, etc. .

- Code-Saturne: a finite volume solver for computational fluid dynamics. It can handle various types of flows, such as incompressible, compressible, multiphase, reactive, etc. It has a modular architecture that allows for easy customization and extension. It can also be coupled with other solvers, such as Code-Aster, OpenFOAM, etc. .

- OpenFOAM: a finite volume solver for computational fluid dynamics. It can handle various types of flows, such as incompressible, compressible, multiphase, reactive, etc. It has a large library of models, solvers, and utilities. It can also be coupled with other solvers, such as Code-Aster, Code-Saturne, etc. .

- Elmer: a finite element solver for multiphysics problems. It can handle various types of physics, such as fluid dynamics, heat transfer, electromagnetics, elasticity, etc. It has a modular structure that allows for easy coupling and extension. It also has a graphical user interface for setting up, running and post-processing simulations .

- Calculix: a finite element solver for structural mechanics, heat transfer, and fluid dynamics. It can handle various types of elements, materials, models, and algorithms. It also has a graphical user interface for pre- and post-processing, as well as a launcher and a CAE GUI for setting up and running simulations .

- KiCad: a software suite for electronic design automation. It can create and edit schematic diagrams, printed circuit boards, and 3D models of electronic components. It supports various file formats, such as Gerber, DXF, SVG, etc. It also has a large library of standard parts and symbols .

- Arduino: a software and hardware platform for creating and programming microcontroller-based electronic devices. It consists of a development board, an integrated development environment, and a programming language. It can be used for various applications, such as robotics, sensors, actuators, etc. .

- Flatcam: a tool for creating toolpaths and G-code for isolation milling of printed circuit boards. It can import Gerber and Excellon files and export G-code in various formats, such as EMC2, Mach3, RepRap, etc. It also has a graphical user interface that can preview and edit the toolpaths .

These are some of the software included in CAELinux, but there are many others that you can explore and compare. I hope this gives you a better idea of what CAELinux can offer you. 😊


(1) Xubuntu Based CAELinux 2020 Released for Dedicated Simulation Works.

(2) .

(3) CAELinux - Home.

(4) CAELinux - CAELinux 2020.




What is the difference between FreeCAD and OpenSCAD?

FreeCAD and OpenSCAD are both open source CAD software, but they have very different approaches to 3D modelling. FreeCAD is a parametric 3D modeler that uses a sketch-based approach, while OpenSCAD is a script-based modeler that uses a programming language. Here are some of the main differences between them:

- User interface: FreeCAD has a graphical user interface that resembles other commercial CAD software, such as SolidWorks or AutoCAD. It has various workbenches that provide different tools and functions for different tasks, such as Part Design, Draft, Mesh, FEM, etc. OpenSCAD has a non-traditional user interface that consists of a text editor and a 3D preview window. The user has to write code in a custom language to create and modify 3D models, and the preview window only shows the result of the code ¹².

- Modelling method: FreeCAD uses a parametric modelling method, which means that the user can create and edit 3D models by defining sketches, constraints, features, and parameters. The user can also modify the model history and change the parameters at any time. OpenSCAD uses a constructive solid geometry (CSG) method, which means that the user can create and edit 3D models by combining primitive shapes, such as cubes, spheres, cylinders, etc., using boolean operations, such as union, difference, and intersection. The user can also use variables, functions, and loops to create complex shapes ¹².

- Modelling flexibility: FreeCAD offers more modelling flexibility than OpenSCAD, as it supports various types of modelling, such as mechanical engineering, architecture, product design, and 3D printing. It also supports various types of meshes, solvers, and file formats. OpenSCAD is more limited in its modelling capabilities, as it only supports solid modelling and does not support meshes, solvers, or file formats other than STL, DXF, and SVG ¹².

- Modelling precision: OpenSCAD offers more modelling precision than FreeCAD, as it allows the user to define the exact dimensions and coordinates of the shapes using code. It also allows the user to use algorithms and mathematical expressions to create complex and accurate shapes. FreeCAD relies more on the user's graphical input and mouse movements, which can introduce errors and inaccuracies. It also has some issues with rounding errors and tolerance settings ¹².

- Learning curve: FreeCAD has a steeper learning curve than OpenSCAD, as it has a complex and crowded user interface, a large number of tools and functions, and a different workflow for each workbench. The user has to learn how to use the sketcher, the constraints, the features, and the parameters, as well as how to switch between workbenches and modes. OpenSCAD has a simpler and more consistent user interface, a smaller number of tools and functions, and a single workflow for all models. The user only has to learn how to write code in the OpenSCAD language, which is similar to C or Python ¹².

These are some of the main differences between FreeCAD and OpenSCAD, but there are also some similarities and advantages that they share. For example, they are both free and open source, which means that they are constantly updated and improved by the community. They also both have a large and active user base, which means that they have a lot of documentation, tutorials, forums, and support available. They also both have a modular and extensible architecture, which means that they can be customized and enhanced by adding plugins, modules, libraries, and scripts ¹²³⁴..


(1) OpenSCAD vs FreeCAD: The Differences | All3DP.

(2) FreeCAD Vs. OpenSCAD: Pros & Cons of Each Software - 3D Printing Spot.

(3) OpenSCAD vs FreeCAD - Software Comparison | Xometry.

(4) Compare FreeCAD vs. OpenSCAD | G2.


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