Thursday, July 8, 2021

How to... analyze and measure model in postprocessing CFX / Fluent Ansys

After many analyzes, we come to the conclusion that each elaboration of the results looks similar (sometimes identical).  Then it's time to diversify our report with new indicators and charts.  Ansys postprocessing offers many possibilities.  First of all, we can display our output with different configurations of contours, velocity vectors or isosurfaces.

How to separate data ansys workbench
Path to generate measuring  lines

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

How to... perform a temperature dependent analysis without an Energy Model Ansys Fluent

 There is often a need to model the gas flow in specific systems with a temperature other than 25 C. Then we include the Energy model in the standard modeling procedure. The number of subsequent models taken into account in our analysis significantly extends the computation time. This is mainly due to the fact that the program has to solve additional equations (in our case, equations related to heat transfer). If our goal is not the temperature distribution in the analyzed domains, then we can simplify the analysis by omitting the Energy model.

defining gas properties in Fluent
How to define gas properties in Fluent 

How to... define monitors (report definitions) in Ansys Fluent

 There is often a situation when, after completing the analysis and obtaining a satisfactory level of partial equations, we may be unpleasantly surprised when we for example plot the  temperature in the RESULTS module. 
how to define monitors in Fluent Ansys
Example of monitor in Fluent

Sunday, July 4, 2021

How to... move global coordinate systems (reference frames) to axis of rotation Ansys Fluent

An important element of each CFD and structural simulation is the precise definition of the global coordinate system. An improperly located coordinate system can lead to many difficulties - primarily in analyzes where the movement of individual elements is defined.

how to change global coordinate system in Ansys Design Modeler
Example of bad geometry position vs coordiante system 

How to... increase /decrease time step size in Ansys Fluent

 Today I would like to show you how easy it is to control the  analysis in Fluent. All the necessary items can be found in the solver under Run Calculation menu. This is where the coefficients can be modified on an ongoing basis so that our residual equations are at the required level. 

how to increase / decrease time step size in Fluent Ansys
Example of residual plot in Fluent 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

How to... define precision of simulation and the criterion of convergence Ansys Fluent

 An important step in modeling is to define the precision of calculations and the criterion of convergence. 

how to define residuals in Fluent Ansys
How to define precision of solver in Fluent

The figure above shows the definition of static analysis based on the Courant number

Thursday, July 1, 2021

How to... define motion in Ansys Fluent - sliding mesh

 In many problems that we want to model, we can meet with the movement of one or more elements. This is one of the three methods available from Ansys Fluent. The others are MRF and SRF (multi refernece frame, single reference frame). Sliding mesh is a traffic definition method for transient analyzes. The other methods can be used both in static and transient. They will be described in more detail in the following entries. In this post we will try to show you how to use the sliding mesh method. 

how to define motion on part in Fluent Ansys
How to add motion on parts in Fluent 

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