Wednesday, October 16, 2024

PrePoMAX: A Game-Changer in Engineering

In the heart of a bustling engineering firm, a team of dedicated professionals faced a daunting challenge. They were tasked with designing a complex bridge structure, ensuring its safety and durability under the most extreme conditions. The traditional methods of manual calculations and physical models were proving time-consuming and prone to errors. It was clear that a more efficient and accurate solution was needed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Mastering the Mesh: A Step-by-Step Guide to 2D Geometry in Ansys Mechanical

Welcome to this exciting tutorial where you'll learn how to create a high-quality mesh for 2D geometry in Ansys Mechanical. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this guide will walk you through the process with clear steps and tips.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Fixing Low Orthogonal Quality Mesh Around Sharp Corners in CFD Simulations

 Improving mesh quality, especially around sharp corners, is crucial for achieving accurate and stable CFD simulations. Here are some strategies to address the low orthogonal quality in your mesh with a sharp corner:

1. Refine Mesh Around the Corner:

  • Global Mesh Refinement: Increase the overall element size of your mesh while keeping a higher refinement level around the sharp corner. This ensures a finer mesh in the critical region without drastically increasing the total number of elements.
  • Local Mesh Refinement: Utilize local sizing features in your meshing software. Apply a sizing box around the sharp corner and define a smaller element size within that region. This approach refines the mesh only where needed.

FLUENT UDFs for Non-Equilibrium Heat Transfer in Porous Media (Two-Energy Model)

FLUENT UDF manual might not explicitly mention using two temperatures together in a single User Defined Function (UDF). However, there are ways to achieve the non-equilibrium heat transfer with a two-energy model using UDFs. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Define UDFs for Source Terms:

Create separate UDFs for the source terms in both the solid and fluid energy equations. In these UDFs, you can access the following information:

  • Cell-centered Variables: You can use C_CENTROID(c,t) to get the current time step values for various variables at the cell centroid, including fluid temperature (C_T(c,t)) and other relevant properties.
  • Custom User Defined Memory (C_UDM): This allows you to store and access data from previous time steps. You can define separate UDFMs for solid and fluid temperatures from the previous time step (e.g., C_UDM(c,T_SOLID_PREV) and C_UDM(c,T_FLUID_PREV)) and update them within the UDFs.

Ansys Convection Simulation Slowdown: Dropping CPU Usage (Solid-Fluid Interaction)

 "Slowdown During Convection Simulation in Ansys Workbench"

It's a common challenge to experience slowdowns in Ansys simulations, especially for complex problems involving both solid and fluid bodies with convection. Here are some potential reasons why your CPU usage might be dropping and the simulation slowing down:

1. Convergence Issues:

  • The most likely culprit is the solver struggling to converge to a solution. As the simulation progresses, the solution might become more complex, requiring smaller timesteps and more iterations to achieve convergence. This can lead to a decrease in CPU utilization as the solver spends more time calculating with smaller steps.

2. Time Stepping Issues:

  • The automatic time stepping algorithm might be adjusting to very small steps as the simulation progresses, leading to unnecessary calculations and reduced efficiency.

Ansys Workbench Setup for Heat Distribution Analysis

Here's some guidance for your setup in Ansys Workbench:


For this heat transfer problem involving conduction only, you should use the Steady-State Thermal solver within Ansys Workbench. This solver focuses on situations where the temperature doesn't change with time.

Boundary Conditions:

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