Tuesday, July 2, 2024

ANSYS Fluent Meshing Error: Self-Intersections in Plate & Frame Heat Exchanger

 Self-intersections during meshing are a common problem in ANSYS Fluent, especially with complex geometries like plate and frame heat exchangers. Here are some tips and ideas to address the issue and improve your meshing process:

1. Identify and Fix Self-Intersections:

Monday, July 1, 2024

How to Display Nodal Forces in Ansys Mechanical

 Ansys Mechanical offers two methods to visualize nodal forces:

 * ENFO Vectors (Workbench):

   * In the Results tree, navigate to the solution containing the nodal forces you want to display.

Mat Foundation with SOG Loading: Impact Evaluation

 Here's how to determine the effects of SOG loading on your mat foundation:

 * Evaluate Load Transfer: Since the SOG rests on the soil, analyze if there's significant load transfer to the underlying mat. If the SOG is sufficiently thick and stiff, it might distribute the equipment loads over a larger area, potentially reducing the stress on the mat.

Circular dependecies in FreeCad

 Circular dependencies occur in FreeCAD when two or more features rely on each other in a loop, preventing the model from updating correctly. This can happen when the definition of a feature depends on the outcome of another feature that, in turn, depends on the first feature.

Troubleshooting CFD Convergence Issues: Tips and Solver Considerations - OPENFOAM

It sounds like you’re dealing with a challenging CFD problem. Convergence issues can often arise from the way boundary conditions are set up. Here are a few tips that might help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

Modeling Membrane Separation in Water Treatment with Ansys Fluent

You can potentially model the membrane in your water treatment scheme using the porous media option available in Ansys Fluent, but with some limitations. Here's a breakdown:

Porous Media Approach:

  • This approach treats the membrane as a resistance to flow based on its physical properties like porosity and permeability.
  • You can define the membrane properties in the "Material" section of Fluent and assign them to a cell zone representing the membrane.
  • Fluent will then calculate the flow of water through the membrane based on pressure and temperature differences across it.

Validating PCHE Model in Fluent: Addressing Pressure and Periodic Boundary Conditions

 Validating Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger Model in Fluent

This response addresses your questions regarding pressure and boundary conditions in your Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger (PCHE) model validation using Fluent:

Question 1: Operating Pressure and Boussinesq Parameters

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