Wednesday, January 10, 2024

📚 📚 📚 The story of Thor who wanted to optimize his hammer in Ansys Structural

 Thor, the mighty god of thunder, was not satisfied with his hammer, Mjolnir. He wanted to make it even more powerful and durable, so he decided to use Ansys Structural, a software that can simulate and optimize the performance of different materials and structures.

He downloaded the software from the internet and installed it on his laptop. He then scanned his hammer with a 3D scanner and imported the model into Ansys. He set up the parameters and boundary conditions, such as the force, temperature, and pressure that his hammer would experience in battle.

He ran the simulation and waited for the results. He expected to see some suggestions on how to improve his hammer, such as changing the shape, size, or material. However, he was shocked and angry when he saw the message on the screen:

"ERROR: The hammer is too heavy for the software to handle. Please reduce the mass or use a simpler model."

Thor was furious. He thought that the software was mocking him and his hammer. He grabbed his laptop and threw it across the room, smashing it into pieces. He then picked up his hammer and yelled:

"This is the best hammer in the universe! No software can tell me otherwise! I don't need any optimization! I am Thor, the strongest and the greatest!"

He stormed out of the room, leaving behind a mess of broken electronics and wires. He vowed never to use Ansys Structural again, and to stick to his trusty hammer, Mjolnir.

Meanwhile, Loki, the god of mischief, was watching Thor's tantrum from a hidden camera. He was the one who had hacked into Thor's laptop and made the software give him the error message. He was amused by Thor's reaction and decided to prank him even more.

He hacked into the 3D scanner and modified the model of Thor's hammer. He made it look like a toy hammer, with bright colors and squeaky sounds. He then uploaded the model to a website that could print 3D objects and ordered a copy of the fake hammer.

He waited for the delivery and then sneaked into Thor's room. He replaced Thor's hammer with the fake one and hid the real one under his bed. He then left a note on Thor's desk, saying:

"Dear Thor, I have optimized your hammer for you. You're welcome. Love, Ansys."

He then ran away, laughing evilly.

The next day, Thor woke up and saw the note. He was curious and picked up the hammer. He was shocked to see that it looked nothing like his hammer. It was small, light, and colorful. He tried to swing it, but it made a squeaky noise. He was furious and confused.

He thought that Ansys had somehow changed his hammer and ruined it. He wanted to get his revenge. He searched for the address of Ansys and found out that it was in Pennsylvania, USA. He decided to fly there and confront them.

He grabbed his fake hammer and flew out of the window, leaving behind a trail of thunder and lightning. He did not notice that Loki was watching him from a distance, smiling wickedly.

Thor arrived at Ansys headquarters in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. He was angry and impatient. He did not care about the security guards or the receptionist. He barged into the building, holding his fake hammer.

He shouted:

"Where is Ansys? I want to speak to Ansys! You have ruined my hammer! You will pay for this!"

The people in the building were terrified and confused. They did not know who Thor was or what he was talking about. They tried to calm him down and explain that Ansys was not a person, but a company that made software.

But Thor did not listen. He thought that they were lying and hiding Ansys from him. He started to smash everything in his sight with his fake hammer. He broke the windows, the computers, the desks, and the walls. He made a huge mess and caused a lot of damage.

He did not notice that his fake hammer was also breaking apart. The plastic and rubber parts were falling off, revealing the metal core inside. The squeaky noise was getting louder and more annoying.

He finally reached the office of the CEO of Ansys, Ajei Gopal. He kicked the door open and saw a man sitting behind a desk. He assumed that he was Ansys. He pointed his fake hammer at him and said:

"Are you Ansys? You have messed with the wrong god! You have no idea what you have done! You have turned my hammer, Mjolnir, into this pathetic toy! How dare you!"

Ajei Gopal was shocked and scared. He did not recognize Thor or his hammer. He thought that he was a crazy man who had escaped from a mental hospital. He tried to reason with him and said:

"Please, calm down. I don't know who you are or what you are talking about. I am not Ansys. I am Ajei Gopal, the CEO of Ansys. We make software for engineering and simulation. We have nothing to do with your hammer."

But Thor did not believe him. He thought that he was lying and trying to trick him. He raised his fake hammer and said:

"Don't lie to me! You are Ansys! You are the one who sent me this note! You are the one who changed my hammer! Admit it!"

He showed him the note that Loki had left on his desk. It said:

"Dear Thor, I have optimized your hammer for you. You're welcome. Love, Ansys."

Ajei Gopal looked at the note and realized that it was a prank. He recognized the handwriting and the signature. It was his brother, Loki Gopal, who worked as a software engineer at Ansys. He was known for his mischief and pranks. He often hacked into the software and changed the results or the messages. He had done it before to his colleagues and his clients. He had even done it to him.

Ajei Gopal understood that his brother had pranked Thor and made him think that Ansys had ruined his hammer. He felt sorry for Thor and angry at Loki. He said:

"Oh, no. This is a prank. This is not from Ansys. This is from my brother, Loki. He works here as a software engineer. He likes to hack into the software and play jokes on people. He must have hacked into your laptop and your 3D scanner and changed your hammer. He also wrote this note. He is very clever and very naughty. He is the god of mischief."

Thor was stunned and confused. He did not expect this twist. He said:

"Your brother is Loki? The god of mischief? That is impossible. My brother is Loki. The god of mischief. He is the one who gave me this laptop and this 3D scanner. He said that they were gifts from Ansys. He said that Ansys could optimize my hammer. He lied to me. He tricked me. He is very clever and very naughty. He is the god of mischief."

Ajei Gopal was also stunned and confused. He said:

"Your brother is Loki? The god of mischief? That is impossible. My brother is Loki. The software engineer. He is the one who works here at Ansys. He is the one who hacked into your laptop and your 3D scanner. He is the one who wrote this note. He lied to you. He tricked you. He is very clever and very naughty. He is the software engineer."

They looked at each other and realized that they were talking about the same person. Loki had somehow disguised himself as a software engineer and a god. He had somehow fooled them both. He had somehow pulled off the ultimate prank.

They said in unison:


They heard a loud laughter from outside the window. They turned and saw Loki standing on the roof of the building. He was holding Thor's real hammer, Mjolnir. He waved at them and said:

"Hello, brothers. Did you like my prank? I hope you enjoyed it. I certainly did. It was so much fun. You should have seen your faces. Priceless. Don't be mad. It was just a joke. A harmless joke. Well, maybe not so harmless. But still, a joke. A brilliant joke. A masterpiece of mischief. A work of art. A legend. A legend of Loki. The god of mischief. And the software engineer. The best of both worlds. The ultimate prankster. The one and only. Loki. That's me. Loki. Bye."

He then threw Mjolnir into the air and caught it. He spun it around and created a portal. He jumped into the portal and disappeared, leaving behind a trail of sparks and smoke.

Thor and Ajei Gopal were speechless and furious. They wanted to chase after Loki and get their revenge. But they knew that it was too late. Loki was gone. He had escaped. He had won.

They looked at each other and sighed. They had no choice but to accept their defeat and clean up the mess. They apologized to each other and shook hands. They agreed to work together to fix the damage and find the fake hammer. They also agreed to never trust Loki again.

They learned their lesson. They learned that Loki was not only the god of mischief, but also the software engineer of mischief. They learned that Loki was the master of pranks. They learned that Loki was the legend of Loki.

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