Showing posts with label MESH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MESH. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Fixing Low Orthogonal Quality Mesh Around Sharp Corners in CFD Simulations

 Improving mesh quality, especially around sharp corners, is crucial for achieving accurate and stable CFD simulations. Here are some strategies to address the low orthogonal quality in your mesh with a sharp corner:

1. Refine Mesh Around the Corner:

  • Global Mesh Refinement: Increase the overall element size of your mesh while keeping a higher refinement level around the sharp corner. This ensures a finer mesh in the critical region without drastically increasing the total number of elements.
  • Local Mesh Refinement: Utilize local sizing features in your meshing software. Apply a sizing box around the sharp corner and define a smaller element size within that region. This approach refines the mesh only where needed.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

ICEM Meshing Error: "Too Many Nested Evaluations (Infinite Loop?)"

This error message in ICEM, encountered while linking block edges to a geometric curve, indicates a potential issue with the way you're defining the link. Here are some possible causes and solutions:


  • Circular Dependency: The linking process might be creating a circular dependency between the edges and the curve. This could happen if the definition of the link relies on information derived from the linked entities themselves.
  • Incorrect Selection: You might be inadvertently selecting multiple edges or curves during the linking process, creating a loop.
  • Software Bug (Less Likely): While less common, there's a slight chance this error could be caused by a bug in the specific version of ICEM you're using (Ansys 2019 R1).

Structured Mesh in CFD Analysis: Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages

 In CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis, a structured mesh is a specific type of mesh generation used to discretize the computational domain. Here's a breakdown of the key characteristics:


  • Elements: Structured meshes consist of elements that have a regular, repeating pattern. These elements are typically hexahedrons (3D) or quadrilaterals (2D).
  • Implicit Connectivity: The connectivity between elements is implicit in a structured mesh. This means that the neighboring elements for any given element can be easily identified based on its position in the grid. Imagine a checkerboard pattern – each square "knows" its neighbors based on its location on the board.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

STL Disappears in Fluent Mesh? Here's What's Really Happening (ICEM Users)

 The STL file itself won't be visible in Fluent after meshing in ICEM. Here's what's happening and how to ensure your geometry is represented in the mesh:

Understanding the Process:

  • ICEM imports the STL file as a surface definition for your computational domain.
  • The mesh is created based on this surface definition, not the actual STL file data.
  • Fluent reads the mesh information from ICEM, which defines the volume and boundaries of your domain.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

ICEM Meshing Error: Uncovered Faces in Conjugated Heat Transfer (ANSYS Fluent)

 The "Uncovered Face" error in  solid zone cells adjacent to the fluid zone indicates a mesh incompatibility issue. Here's why it might be happening and how to address it:

Understanding the Problem:

  • Mesh Mismatch: When you set the edge parameters for both solid and fluid zones to have the same number of nodes initially, it might not translate perfectly when applying refinement with the tool. This can lead to slight discrepancies in mesh size and topology at the interface.
  • "Uncovered Face" Error: ICEM detects that some faces on the solid zone bordering the fluid zone are not entirely covered by the refined fluid mesh. This creates a discontinuity at the interface, which can cause problems in conjugated heat transfer simulations.

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