Thursday, October 28, 2021

How to... define user variable in Ansys Postprocessing

Very often we need to define a given area / zone / separated fragment with one variable. For example, it could be the average temperature of the model's cross-section as a function of time. For this type of operation, the function of defining your own variables from the level of postprocessing is very useful.

Own Variables in Postprocessing in Ansys

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

How to... define Table in material properties - Piecewise Linear in Ansys Fluent

 An important element of the analysis is the ability to define variable material properties depending, for example, on temperature. The Ansys Fluent program offers many options that will allow us to model the material in this way. One such feature is Piecewise Linear.

Table definition by Piecewise Linear Option in Ansys Fluent 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Radiator Game - Episode 3 Modern Wall - CHT in Fluent

In today's episode of Radiator Game I would like to present you a thermal analysis of a room for walls insulated in a modern way, i.e. with polystyrene and cellular concrete. Of course, we will perform the simulation using the virtual layers method on the boundary condition of the model walls.

Modern Walls Analysis in Ansys Fluent 

Monday, October 25, 2021

How to... make 3D any variable distribution in Ansys postprocessing

A very interesting option in post-processing in Ansys is the generation of 3D distributions that can be easily done using the IsoSurfaces function. We can distribute any variable by defining ranges of values of different sizes. The entire graphic design of the generated distribution also depends on us. When it comes to IsoSurfaces, we have a very wide range of modular possibilities with this function.

Velocity 3D Distribution of Bullet Fly

Friday, October 22, 2021

Radiator Game - Episode 2 - CHT in Fluent

In the second part of Radiator Game I would like to show you a different approach to modulating insulation on walls or heat flow resistance on windows using defined virtual layers in Ansys Fluent. In this regard, this program offers many more possibilities than the good old CFX.

Radiator Game with old construction wall

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

How to... export report definitions to Excel or any other spreadsheet from Fluent

In today's post I would like to show you how to easily and quickly export data from Report Definitions about your defined monitors in Ansys Fluent.

How to export report definitions from Ansys Fluent to spreadsheet

Monday, October 18, 2021

Radiator Game - Episode 1 - CHT in Fluent

In today's post and a few more, I will introduce you to the FEA modeling of CHT analysis in Fluent, a very common phenomenon, which is heating a room with a radiator. In the first part, we will determine the heat losses on the walls of the building with very simple dependencies and we will perform a preliminary CHT analysis of heating the room with a radiator.

3D Temperature distribution in room with radiator and window

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