Sunday, November 21, 2021

Investigation of the influence of conductivity of two-component geometry in Ansys Transient Thermal PART 3

In this post, we compare the heat conduction dynamics of geometry from the previous postss in two directions: longitudinal and transverse. Of course, all boundary conditions, or more precisely, their value, remain unchanged. The only variable will be the modification of their position.

Transverse or Longitudinal  - which  conduction is more dynamic ?

As mentioned above, we are repositioning our BC's. You can see all the modifications in the picture below.

Repositioning of BC's in Ansys Workbench 

Of course, analogously to our boundary conditions, we change the plot (temperature) of our individual finite elements. You can see their location in the picture below.

Repostioning of our individual finite elements which we use for temperature gradient 

After performing the analyzes, we get a completely different temperature distribution after 600 s compared to the analyzes from the previous post.

Also, the plotted temperature gradient in Excel is already clear and significant. You can see that the course of both curves is separate.

Temperature Gradient in Ansys Workbench  - Excel Spreadsheet

In the next step, we will compare our Diff A and Diff B temperature gradients as a function of time.

Temperature Gradients positions in Ansys Workbench 

You can see on the graph prepared in Excel that the position of the boundary conditions (tested gradient) of the same geometry has a significant influence on the dynamics of conductivity. The longitudinal gradient for the same convection values is over 15 times greater than the transverse gradient.

Comparision of temeprature gradient on Diff A and Diff B lines

If  U want to read other parts please visit links below:

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