Wednesday, July 3, 2024

n-turboGrid: Exporting Mesh and Parametric Data for Further Use ?

 is there any option to export the mesh with parametric information

No, there currently isn't a direct option to export the mesh with parametric information in n-turboGrid. While n-turboGrid can export to the CGNS format, it doesn't include the parametric data used to generate the mesh.

Here are some alternative approaches you can consider:

  1. Export the mesh and parameters separately:
  • Export the mesh from n-turboGrid to a format like CGNS, which captures the geometry information.
  • Separately, export the parametric data used to generate the mesh. This could be a text file or another format that stores the variable names and values used for blade angles, dimensions, etc.
  • When using the mesh in another software, you'll need to manually link the exported mesh with the corresponding parametric data file.
  1. Use a scripting approach:
  • If you're familiar with scripting languages like Python, you might be able to write a script that interacts with n-turboGrid's API (if available) to extract both the mesh data and the relevant parametric information.
  • This approach requires programming expertise but allows for a more automated workflow.
  1. Consider alternative meshing software:
  • Some meshing software specifically designed for turbomachinery applications might offer built-in features to export meshes with embedded parametric data. Explore options like ANSYS TurboGrid, NUMECA AutoGrid, or commercial versions of OpenFOAM that might have such functionalities.
  1. Check for future updates:
  • While n-turboGrid doesn't currently offer parametric data export in CGNS, future updates by the developers might introduce this functionality. Keep an eye on n-turboGrid's documentation or user forums for any announcements.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • The specific format for storing parametric data outside the mesh file might vary depending on the software you plan to use for further analysis.
  • Ensure compatibility between the exported mesh format and the software you'll be using for post-processing or simulations.

If you can provide more details about your specific workflow and the software you plan to use with the exported mesh, I might be able to suggest more tailored options.

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