Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Influence of Prandtl Number on Shear Stress and Heat Transfer in Compressible Boundary Layers

 You're right, in compressible boundary layers, increasing the Prandtl number (Pr) generally leads to a decrease in shear stress (skin friction) and Stanton number. Here's why:

Prandtl Number (Pr):

Pr is the ratio of momentum diffusivity (ν) to thermal diffusivity (α). It represents the relative ease with which momentum and heat diffuse within a fluid.

  • Low Pr: When Pr is low (typical for gases), momentum diffuses more readily than heat. This means velocity gradients (shear) are higher near the wall, resulting in higher skin friction.
  • High Pr: As Pr increases (typical for liquids), thermal diffusivity becomes more dominant. Heat diffuses faster, reducing the temperature gradients near the wall. This, in turn, affects the viscosity (which is temperature-dependent) and reduces the shear stress at the wall.

Impact on Shear Stress and Skin Friction:

  • Higher Pr: With reduced temperature gradients at the wall due to higher Pr, the viscosity near the wall decreases. This weaker viscous resistance leads to a decrease in shear stress and consequently, a decrease in skin friction coefficient.

Impact on Stanton Number:

  • Stanton Number (St): This non-dimensional number represents the ratio of convective heat transfer to conductive heat transfer at the wall.
  • Higher Pr: As mentioned earlier, higher Pr reduces the temperature gradient near the wall. This weaker temperature gradient also leads to a decrease in the convective heat transfer rate. Since St is directly proportional to the convective heat transfer rate, it also decreases with increasing Pr.

Additional Considerations:

  • The relationship between Pr and shear stress/skin friction is more pronounced at lower Mach numbers (incompressible limit). At higher Mach numbers, compressibility effects can play a more significant role.
  • While the general trend is a decrease, the specific impact of Pr on these parameters depends on the specific flow conditions and boundary layer characteristics.

In summary, increasing Prandtl number in a compressible boundary layer leads to a decrease in shear stress (skin friction) and Stanton number due to reduced temperature gradients near the wall and the resulting changes in viscosity and convective heat transfer rates.

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