Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Porting Initial Field from StarCCM+ to OpenFOAM for Continuing Simulations

 There are two main approaches to porting the initial field from a StarCCM+ simulation to an OpenFOAM case:

 * Using ccmToFoam: While ccmToFoam can convert the mesh, it may not directly translate the initial field data. You'll need to manipulate the converted data to match OpenFOAM's format.

* Manual Conversion: Extract the initial field data from StarCCM+ in a format readable by OpenFOAM (e.g., ASCII). Then, use tools like Python scripts or text editors to convert the data structure and variable names to match OpenFOAM's requirements.

For efficiency, consider using a combination of both methods. Use ccmToFoam for the mesh and leverage it as a reference for manually converting the initial field data.

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