Friday, June 21, 2024

How to use timeVaryingMappedFixedValue in OpenFoam?

 The timeVaryingMappedFixedValue boundary condition in OpenFOAM allows you to prescribe values that vary in time and space on a patch. Here's a breakdown of its usage with the interFoam solver:


 * Patch Identification: Specify the patch where you want to apply the time-varying boundary condition in your fvPatchFiles dictionary within the controlDict file.

 * Boundary Type: Set the type of boundary condition to "timeVaryingMappedFixedValue" for the identified patch.

 * Data File: Provide the path to a data file containing the time-varying values in the value sub-dictionary of the boundary condition. This file should contain columns for time and the value you want to prescribe.

Data File Format:

The data file should be a text file with each line representing a time step. The format is:

time value1 value2 ...

 * time: Represents the simulation time for the corresponding data.

 * value1, value2, ...: The values to be applied at the patch, corresponding to the variables you're prescribing (e.g., pressure, velocity components).


Assuming you want to apply a time-varying pressure boundary condition on a patch named "inlet," here's a snippet from your controlDict file:





        type  timeVaryingMappedFixedValue;



            refValue  0;

            table    "inlet_pressure.dat";




Additional Notes:

 * Ensure the data file format aligns with the number of variables you're prescribing.

 * The refValue keyword specifies a reference value for scaling the data in the table.

 * Refer to the OpenFOAM documentation for more details and advanced options on the timeVaryingMappedFixedValue boundary condition.

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