Thursday, December 14, 2023

💥💥💥 How to check where is the zone with bad orthogonality in Ansys Workbench ?

 Orthogonal quality is a measure of how well the mesh elements are aligned with the geometry. A low orthogonal quality can cause problems in the simulation, such as inaccurate results, convergence issues, or invalid geometry. Here are some steps you can follow to check and improve your mesh quality:

Are in Ansys Fluent functions to improve mesh quality ?

Yes, there are some functions in Ansys Fluent that can help you improve your mesh quality. Mesh quality is a measure of how well the mesh elements are aligned with the geometry and how smooth and regular they are. A good mesh quality can ensure accurate results, convergence, and stability in your simulation.

Some of the functions that you can use to improve your mesh quality are:

These are some of the functions that I found from my web search results. You can learn more about them by watching some video tutorials or reading some online documentation.

How do I use Pinch Control in Ansys Fluent?

Pinch Control is a function in Ansys Fluent that allows you to control the shape of the cells in an existing mesh by using different methods, such as pinching, stretching, or shrinking. You can use this function to modify or simplify your geometry at specific locations12.

To use Pinch Control in Ansys Fluent, you need to follow these steps:

  • First, you need to select the entities that you want to pinch. You can use the selection tools in the Meshing application, such as the box selection tool or the polygon selection tool. You can also use the mouse to drag and select multiple entities.
  • Second, you need to go to Mesh -> Pinch and choose a method from the drop-down menu. The methods are: Pinch, Stretch, and Shrink. Each method has different options that you can adjust according to your needs.
  • Third, you need to click on Apply and then OK. The Meshing application will generate a new mesh that follows the shape of the selected entities. You can view the new mesh by going to Mesh -> View.

You can repeat this process for different regions of your model until you achieve a satisfactory level of mesh quality. You can also use other functions in Ansys Fluent, such as Sweep or Body Sizing, to improve your mesh quality based on your geometry3.

Can you recommend some best practices for meshing?

Sure, I can recommend some best practices for meshing. Meshing is the process of creating a finite representation of a physical domain in a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. A good mesh can ensure accurate results, convergence, and stability in your simulation. Here are some tips that I found from my web search results:

I hope this helps you with your problem. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me 😊.

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