Tuesday, October 10, 2023

💥💥💥 How to model hardening process in Ansys Workbench ?

 To model the hardening process in Ansys Workbench, you need to define a material model that captures the plastic deformation and strain hardening behavior of the material. There are several plasticity models available in Ansys, such as multilinear hardening, isotropic hardening, kinematic hardening, etc. You can choose the model that best fits your experimental data and application.

One of the most commonly used plasticity models is the multilinear hardening model, which allows you to specify the true stress-strain curve of the material beyond the yield point. You can obtain this curve from a tensile test or from literature sources. You can also use Ansys to calculate the slope of the curve up to the yield point, which is the elastic modulus of the material.

To define a multilinear hardening model in Ansys Workbench, you need to follow these steps:

  • In the Engineering Data section of Ansys Workbench, add a new material or edit an existing one.
  • In the Material Models tab, expand the Structural branch and select Plasticity.
  • In the Plasticity branch, select Multilinear Hardening.
  • In the Multilinear Hardening table, enter the true stress and true plastic strain values for each point on the curve. You can also import these values from a file or copy and paste them from another source.
  • In the Isotropic Elasticity branch, enter the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the material. You can also use Ansys to calculate these values from the true stress-strain curve.
  • Apply the material to your geometry in the Model section of Ansys Workbench.
  • Set up your boundary conditions, loads, and analysis settings in the Setup section of Ansys Workbench.
  • Solve your analysis and view the results in the Solution section of Ansys Workbench.

For more details and examples on how to define a multilinear hardening plasticity model in Ansys Workbench, you can watch this video1 or read this article2. You can also download the accompanying geometry and simulation files from these links34.

What is the difference between multilinear and isotropic hardening?

What is the difference between true stress and engineering stress?

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